Wrong views have been expressed by archaeologist and climatologist Zhaoyu Zhu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences when he says that tools made by human ancestors some 2.1 million years ago have been discovered in northwestern China by an international team of scientists led by him. The tools, he says, are thought to have been made by Homo erectus or Homo habilis, but no hominin fossils have been found at the site.
Researcher Robin Dennell of the University of Sheffield adds another surprising statement to it when he finds Loess Plateau is a stone-free landscape—it is basically an enormous deposit of wind-blown dust, deposited year upon year by the winter monsoonal winds for the last 2.5 million years.
Prior to this discovery, evidence for the earliest known ancient human presence outside of Africa had come from Dmanisi, Georgia, where a 1.85 million-year-old Homo erectus fossil was found.
Ancient Chin is not represented by the present China. Its Han and Ming dynasties appeared and disappeared on the ‘first-land’ itself. Beautiful accounts exist on ancient Chin in various ancient texts. Chinese pilgrims’ accounts reflect fully on ancient Chin and it can be verified again.
Ancient Africa identifies Africanus of Ptolemy’s maps; it was the settlement of Frank people of the ancient world. Present Africa unnecessarily has been highlighted and had been linked with ‘first man’s appearance on earth. This has created whole problems for other branches of human knowledge.
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