Sagapa mouth of the Indus identifies Sagada where Alexander fortified another city, constructed a dockyard and repaired the damaged vessels.
Lassen, as well as Saint-Martin, places the country of Oxykanos and Mesopotamia on the eastern arm of the Indus. This is again they say same as Prasiane of Pliny; Patalian delta was formed by the river Indus where Alexander arrived and did some good works for its inhabitants who fled seeing Alexander. But he succeeded bringing them back to their city. This shows that Alexander had complete knowledge on the glorious past of the city. He did cause any harm to the people of this great country which is considered as one of the seven Underworld. It was larger than the Egyptian delta. He sent many of the elephants and archers from Patala to Macedonia.
According to Aristoboulos, as cited by Strabo(XV,i, 17) the voyage down the stream from Nikaia on the Hydaspes to Patala occupied ten mouths. The Greeks, he says, remained at the Hydaspes, while the ships were constructed. Alexander began his voyage just before the setting of the Pleiades(late in the autumn of 326 B.C). They arrived at Patalene about the rising of the dog-star, towards the end of the summer 325 B.C. The passage down the river lasted ten months.
See how Sir A Burnes ascended the Indus up to Lahore in sixty days, a distance of about 1000 miles.
From Patala, Alexander sails down the western arm of the river Indus. Near Patala, the stream of the river Indus is divided into two large rivers, both of which retain the name of Indus till they enter the sea. He sailed down the right arm of the river first.
In the Periplus(41st ch.) it is said that in the region adjoining the Indus mouth, ‘ there are preserved even to this very day memorials to the expedition of Alexander, old temples, foundation of camps, and large wells.
His ships while passing through the right arm of the Indus he faced the turbulence of the Great Sea. When the tide ebbed, the ships were left on the dry ground. Caesar’s , it is said, faced a similar situation on this shore of (not at present Britain).
From the mouth of Indus, he sailed to the mouths of the river Euphrates and Tigris.
He returned to Patala after negotiating its western side. Then he started on another expedition through the other arm of the river Indus. Patala stands where the river Indus bifurcates.
Patala, Patalene, Pataliputra and Pateli are all different places, but are located very close to each other. All of them identified well with the river Indus. Skilloutis where Alexander reached by voyaging through the eastern arm of the Indus identifies Sakala island, and Psiltoukis on the eastern arm of the same river finds Pushkalavati or Purushapura. The Killouta island formed by the Indus delta near Patala is same as Kulata. Temple of where Alexander sacrificed in the name of God Ammon and God Poseidon identifies Pushkalavati. Palatine of the classics refers to Patalene on the bank of the river Indus.
Present day scholars see present Hyderabad as Patala. But why Patala is called one of the seven Underworlds remains away from the modern textbooks. This river is connected not only with Alexander’s India invasion accounts alone, but also with the history of Asoka who came one hundred and fifty years after him. This describes not only the most ancient history of the Greeks, but also the ancient history of both the Romans and the Indians. Its history is the history of the ‘inhabited world’ itself.
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