Paropanisadai refers to puranic Paripatra which was the ‘western’ part of the Vindhya or the Mt Vindion. This includes Aparanta, Saurashtra, Sudra, Malapa, Malaka and others, according to Kurma purana. During the Ramayanic age, this mountain’s name is attached to the ‘western sea’. Its other name was Nisadha; according to the Mahabharata, it was capital of King Nala, and it identifies ‘nine’ Naga kingdoms. Indian puranas versified this mountain’s sacred position.
Greek mythology knows Paropanisadai as Peloponnese. Menelaus’s helmsman who died off Sunium identifies this place which was near to Crete or the Cete country of Indian puranas.
Story of Heracles is the story of the Peloponnese; his first five Labours are all located in the Peloponnese : the Nemean lion, the Lernaean hydra, the Ceryneian hind with its golden horns, the Erymanthian boar, and the Stymphalian birds.
Map of Alexander’s invasion history and also some of the maps of Ptolemy clearly pinpoint this mountains’ geographical situation.
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