Ideas on evolution based on geological evidence cannot interpret the intelligible sequence of the ancient earth’s geographical situations looking at the present geography of America, Africa, Europe, or putting Antarctica along with them. Fossil studies itself creates division of the ancient earth systems and divides the whole into pieces. With devastating changes brought about by human hands and minds, conditions controlling genetic transforming lines of human-animal-plant and balancing parameters on earth systems affects nature based human equilibrium on a perpetually disturbed plain of human relationship with others. Acquired characteristics of living beings are exchangeable on a visible platform that decide and alter the reserved hereditary inputs of a being; it has nothing to do with factors that hold control over transforming parental habits from one generation to the other in a fixed geographical platform for life.
An author cannot devise a plan for the lost human habitats to revive its foliage, flora and fauna again; no human mind can visualise on existing conditions around him to revive the creative levels of ancient earth where lost generations submitted themselves to geographical hazards of their times.
Those who now claim to discover for themselves new ideas of world systems if put on disadvantageous geographical situations cannot withhold themselves that levels of intellectuality’ burning flames for long if shifted either by force or by willingness.
There is no holidaying formula and planning on evolutionary scale to repeat and repeat human self on multiple directions as rivers have thoughts and mountains have arms to play games with human minds.
There is no history of creation except preserved story-telling of earth events by certain individuals who gathered phenomenal observations in their experiences and get them scripted and pitched through preaching where acts of nature holds men in unity rather than anything else.
A common ancestry does not believably stand to prove its journey on a constant scale of nature that profoundly changes its habitats and relations for multiplying its purposeful living with others.
Geographical situations force humans change their apparitions, apparatus, and appropriateness for clinging to continuity. A sexual action with an animal in absence of a woman for a man does not confirm birth of a human child by the animal. But it has happened; intake of human seeds by a fish gave birth to a human child is believably true but not an observable fact for science.
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