International Stratigraphic Commission is a body of eminent geologists of the world whose personalised views on earth’s geological-time frame academically hold its own roots in certified curiosities of textbook minds.
When the made out views hold Africa as the scientific ground on origin of life, the Greeco-Roman historical scene and the Genesis-born views of human genealogy control the ground of the dynastic origin of the world. India as land of two epics is interestingly nowhere in the geologists’ mind that controls the imaginary region of earth’s crust; ignorant as they are on the biblical position of the ancient volcano which has been versified in all ancient texts, the scientists of the ISC are habitually moving on the path made out by their own choice and interests. All on a sudden before the meeting of the ISC in New Delhi in 2020, they declared certain ‘Meghalaya Age’ in which India’s epic ‘Past’ was born; some hailed the view as good; some other’s welcoming the crude idea will help this view to generate academic thrust areas where the scientists of ISC will push students to get enrolled as scholars for further research on it.
The GSSPs are located in : China-10 ; UK: 9 ; Italy:9 ; U.S:7 ; France : 5 ; Spain :5 ; Czech:3; Canada:2 ; Sweden:2 ; Morocco :2 ; Austria :1 : Australia :1; Germany:1 ; Portugal :1 ; Egypt:1 etc. and this shows a terrible picture of human mistakes in the colour books of school going children. Interesting errors are presented in coloured pages of a chart which no one can understand unless one is a ghost from the ‘Past’.
GSSP base horizontally defines itself with : Eonothem Eon, Erathem Era, System Period, Series Epoch, Stage Age, and Age Ma, in their respective defined time zone that finds origin of earth in imaginary regions of the ‘Past’. One cannot divide the ‘mind of the earth’ through division of time in human minds starting from 0.0118 ma which they call Quaternary period(not yet a decided-period). Naming of the period as they are born to a group-mind, presents a pushing scene that does not affect life of a common man on the street. It does not affect the name of other scientific objects boiling on the cauldron of non interfering scientific zones of exclusive interests not under the control of politicians.
ISC before it preaches its imaginary geological time frame of earth needs to focus its definite stand on the term ‘centre of the earth’; there is no meaning in abstaining from explaining the meaning of many of the geological narratives of the ancient texts. Most of the maps of the ancient world should be unified within a particular geographical unit to present the individual scene of different historical happenings within their hold. If there evolved a picture of the geological scene of the world which we have lost billions of years ago, then events of that period should explain certain geological involvement in human affairs of that period to conclusively prove humans’ move on the designed scale of the ISC.
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