Creation Science seems to be religious in nature as religious literature were the first to invade the conscience of human minds in long past of their history; it would have been different today had human understanding of the geographical origin of all world religions been presented as originating from one geographical plain of humans’ past. Within a fixed visible plain and within a defined completeness of a boundary human thoughts found their god-consciousness born out of humans’ direct physical contact with elements of vastness and all-pervasive nature of human energy of certain dignified men and women to whom they at that time saw, and confronted who then influenced and controlled human activities along with natural happenings.
Teachings both on God and on evolution are not god-related if seen from this background of one geographical origin; when humans were expelled from the original land of their appearance on earth, complexities relating to their common origin expanded beyond human curiosities to perceive them; and this gave rise to differences among them when they get separated with space and time.
Intelligent design of anything cannot create a geographical situation lost in the past. As a fish cannot live outside water, so also human thoughts cannot perceive certain ideas pertaining to origin of God if shifted from one geography to another against a proposed living standards.
Any religion if found its sources to have been sustained by human minds loses its continuity of a permanent factor connected to its origin and falls prey to differences of human minds at different times of history. Humans by nature carry elements of differences due to their energy-depended and human-related activities that immensely suffer from geographical inputs.
So continuity of time does guarantee continuity of human humans’ life on earth under the canopy of a fixed geography. Sustenance factors of life as science preludes are not products of human hands or they do not come from manufacturing units of human thoughts.
Establishment of base of religions with individualised handling of affairs of God on earth have changed with humans’ writings on God whose nature amid diversified contents of human minds do not offer fixed opinion either on creationism or on ideas of God. What is needed with change of time now is the ‘base’ or a laboratory type context through which all can see and feel a time-pool of their separation and this may bring unity in human consciousness to an approach to meet their common beginning and help knowing the elements that caused their disunity in an unseen past.
With fixation of the ‘LAND’, fixation of idea will generate a scientific outlook to look at things from a different existential angle. The more steps humans take towards ‘future’ more becomes the ‘distance’ that divides them. Controversy thinks of its own path and creates tools to sustain itself on the road that divides humanity on idea of God.
Why culture will create differences among humans? If we look at the works of UNESCO, there is reason to believe that it creates differences among different cultures; it divides regions on the same voice of different culture. Unity of voice is missing in Unesco’s works. Many of its decisions seem to have been taken on political grounds. How can we in such a situation think of creation story linked to cultural unity? Fundamental delivery system of human society is breaking somewhere and we are not sustained by our own knowledge system to afford a unity base on ideas of God.
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