Temple of Apollo identifies the Temple of God Sun. Unesco’s writes-up on this World Heritage Site puts this temple to 5th c B.C. period and it is completely wrong. Why this temple would be included in Greece history at all? City of Sun near Panchaia identifies this Temple on the land of Arabians; no doubt the classical literature finds Apollo the Sun God in their narratives but that does not necessarily mean that God Sun belongs to Greeks only. The whole scholarly concept of the classical world is Greek-Roman centric, and that is the reason why ancient world is being treated as a cottage industry by each and every individual nation and their patriotic scholars treat it in an unscholarly manner . Benu Bird and Phoenix are linked to this Temple where the biblical Shechem then stood
Arcadian mountain is same as the Mt Arka or Mt Aruna; in Homeric epics this land is seen as Orion where Ulysses’ friends killed the cows of the Sun God. In Egyptian mythology this Sun God is called Ra, and the Bible sees it at Uruk, same as Arka-kshetra of Indian puranas. It exactly specifies the geographical situation of Canaan or Karnan of Egyptian mythology. Indian puranas like the Egyptian ancient texts finds it as land of Narasiha, the half-lion half-man God of the ancient texts. Epic Gilgamesh also mentions this temple and through the land of this God one has to enter into ancient Jerusalem which passed through the land of Mesh or Seir. Koliyan King Rama came here to treaty his leprosy lie Deborah.
Ancient Greece is no way related with the two terms ‘Epicurius’ and ‘Bassae’. While Epicurius refers to the geographical situation of Ottorokorrah of Ptolemy, Bassae identifies a clan. This temple does not identify Greek civilization; History of Persians, Egyptians and Arabians are closely associated with this Temple and its God; Ra therefore is called belonging to ‘three races’.
Phigaleans were as same as the people of Bagha or the Phrygians who were then living in the plain of the river Tigris means the ‘Bagha’; Pausanias was an inhabitant of Issenian, and whose land was neighbourly to the City of Sun; his finding Iktinos as architecture of the Temple is right as Parthenian Iktinos is identified with the land of the Parthenians at Radha. There is a wrong conception of scholars on the ancient Corinth; it was also called Karuna by Pali texts . This land was then situated at the foot of the mountain Caucasus. Temple of Apollo should be seen as a Temple in the Land of the Rising Sun where goddess Sabitru of the epic Gilgamesh, and Circe of Homeric epics were really participated in its geographical situations.
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