Unesco sees Merv’s geographical sitting on the ‘Silk Route’ in Central Asia; the most wonderful name the literature on Merv holds is that it is located in the Mary Velayat of Turkmenistan in the era 3rd c B.C.; the cultural landscape points to its origin in the ‘East’ which has not been defined what this ‘East’ means when Murgab river basin pinpoints Merv and Mary Velayat that in later times became the capital of the ancient Arabic Caliphate. But what is the meaning of Caliphate? What it identifies anciently?
Unesco’s literature includes names of Bronze Age(2500-1200 B.C.) places like Kelleli, Adji Kui, Taip, Gonur, and Togoluk and Iron Age(1200-300 B.C) places like Yaz/Gobekli, Depes, and takhirbai Depe( or island) as inclusive lands in Merv’s region; here Abdullah Khan Kala as an inscribed name takes precedence.
The urban centres in Merv find most of place-names with post-fixed ‘kala’; and the ‘most characteristic architectural features of the oasis, fortresses and many fine mosques and mausolea’ is called the ‘köshks’. They include: Gyaur Kala, Sultan Kala or Marv al-Shahijan Erk Kala; name of Beni Makhan comes notice here along with Sultan Sanjar as name of a certain complex in the Seljuk period; among the medieval monuments in the region name of Muhammad ibn Zayd along with an ‘Oval Building’ seems important.
At the end, the Unesco’s scholars agree that it is difficult to ‘generalize about the authenticity of so vast and complex a property’ as the State Historical and Cultural Park “Ancient Merv”.
World Body’s idea on the ‘Silk Route’ is so erroneous that it needs a long description to remove this from classroom minds of our times.
The scholars have not marked from the very beginning what this name .Merv suggests. It identifies the ancient ‘Urva’, same as Ur or Uruvela of the Buddhist literature that identifies river Mriga or Murgab means Mriga-deva, a highly renowned place of scholarly gathering. It was for some time under the Sultanate of ancient Turkey(Tihula or Tokhar). All names are very significant in nature but academic scholarship failed to identify the history of their collective nature. .
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Only wanna remark on few general things, The website design is perfect, the subject matter is really superb : D.
Scholars while seeking the etymological origin of the name Turkmenistan, separate Turkmen from ‘ –stan’; and think that the latter is a Persian suffix which means ‘a place of ‘ or ‘country’. Again see ‘Turkmen’ as coming from Turk, plus the Sogdian suffix –men, meaning ‘almost Turk’.
Ancient Turk, ancient Sogdian and the ancient Persia should be searched along with the geographical situations of the river Indus as well as Mt Sumeru. Sagada identifies the river Indus. It was a place of Zoroastrians and Turks’s ancient name was a Ti-hu-la which was at the foot of M Sumeru and was neighbourly to Badr or Badarika. ‘stan’ is not a Persian term; and scholars of all hues when study the geographical situations of the ancient world, never mention a single line on ancient India, as if this country was absent at the height of other nations in world history. Bot to find name of ‘India’ in ancient literature is itself a ‘history; anciently, Persians were known as ‘Barsians’ which means ‘Elders’. And thus the term ‘barsians’ identify the ancient Indians. Persians were ancient Indians whose land then extended from Mt Sumeru to the ‘Southern Sea’. Here ‘stan’ refers to Sthaneswar’ or Sthana(Odiya language) which is as same as ‘Sthenes’ of Homer’s epics. It identifies a place in Uttara Kuru which defines its strisght line position along with Mt Sumeru and Lanka. This ‘Sthana’ marks the birthplace of Ahura Mazda. And this is important.
Historians connect Indo-Iranians with Turkmenistan; but see its annexation with Achaemenid Empire of ancient Iran. This is a wrong statement. Achaemenids were the Achaeans of Homer’s epics; Indian puranic traditions call them Agni or Yakni people. Iran’s origin is in Arun which means ‘Sun’ or ‘Rabi’; again ‘rabi’ means the ‘Arabians’.
The Turkic-speaking Oghuz-tribes’ ancient root identify them as inhabitants of Og as same as Ojha island; and here Mongolia pinpoints its origin along with Mangala country of ancient world. Selljik Empire identifies the region of the river Sarju which was then flowing in the Ojha or the ancient Egypt or the Og-island. Its source was in the Manasarovara Lake, and City of Troy was in this island itself. Azerbaijan were the Ajjapeya or the Arjjuna ass same as the Trojans of Troy. Ancient history does not belong either to a particular tribe or to a particular nation and its division between Greek-Roman axis of modern academic scholarship sells a wrong idea on the geographical position of the ancient world. Uzbek khanates, Khiva, Bukhoro, and Yomud identify themselves with place-names of the ancient world. What is noticed today is that the ancient names have been given to the ‘second homes’ of the ancient migrants who left their original settlements after the great Flood.