Ngorongoro area covers the highland plains of Savanna with its semi-nomadic Massai people, and the Ngorongoro crater which is the largest unbroken caldera in the world. This crater, together with the Olmoti and Empakaai craters are part of the eastern Rift Valley, which includes Laetoli and Olduvai Gorge.
This region, according to scholars, holds the ‘evidence of human evolution and human-environment dynamics, including early hominid footprints dating back to 3.6 million years..the authenticity of the fossil localities is unquestionable,..’.
‘This evidence includes fossilized footprints at Laetoli, associated with the development of human bipedalism, a sequence of diverse, evolving hominin species within Olduvai gorge, which range from Australopiths such as Zinjanthropus boisei to the Homo lineage that includes Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens; an early form of Homo sapiens at Lake Ndutu. The integrity of the region is enhanced by being part of Serengeti – Mara ecosystem’.
The whole view of the archaeologists which claims that human evolution took place in this region at Laetoli and at the Lake Ndutu which is situated as a part of Serengeti-Mara ecosystem narrowed down when Ngorongoro is identified with Lake Gharaghara of the ancient Champa, same as Empakaai of Unesco’s texts that marks Chamaka-vana as its other name that pinpoints hermitage of Sage Kasyapa or Zeus. Champa is again the same as Kamboj and its other name is Kubera or Cyprus. This place had been inhabited by the ancient Massagetai or the Mousikanos(Musa or the rats) to which the Periplus sees as Masalia, Maisolia, or Mausala. It has some other name-forms also.
Laetoli and Ndutu, similarly, speak of their ancient identity with Aetolia(ancient Atalia) and Odonto(-pura) respectively. Olduvai pinpoints the Udumbara near ancient Champa. While Serengeti identifies Saranag forest and Sara-vana of Indian puranas; it is again marks Sangala or Salanga where Alexander built city at the foot of Mt Imaos; Mara marks the Mayura or Mayapura country of Indian history.
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