Mosi-oa-Tunya in Zambia is a wonderful site that at the first instance denies the scientific view that holds Africa was the land which is responsible for ‘origin of life’.
While Zambia refers to the name of the ‘inhabited land’ which according to Ptolemy is called Jambudvipa, Mosi-oa-Tunya pinpoints the Sula-Wat-Tunya inscriptions of Kharavela from where the migrants moved towards Africa. Sula-Wat-Tunya geographical axis of the ‘first-land’ divides the egg-shaped land of Jambudvipa in north-east direction and it marks the straight line from ancient Greece on the north to Seat of God Jama or Jerusalem on the east at the southern seacoast.
Sula(Suli or Cross) is as same as the biblical Hebrew Sullam(ladder), Wat stands to identify the seat of Ottoman kingdom, and Tunya marks the Tanais of the Bible. These three names show the three dynastic divisions of the ‘inhabited world’ that identity the ancient river basins of: Saraswati on the north, Indus, Scamander(Chandra), Nile in the middle, and the river Ganges on the east.
Jambudvipa which marks the Jambu Tree or the Naga Tree with it identifies the Serpent Plain or the Negev region, and from this name has originated the name Zambia. Mosi though sounds like the Mousikanos people of the Mt Caucasus region and stands to depict the seat of worship of the Baal deities, in reality it shows the Seat of Worship of Jama, the King of Death that not only marks ancient Jerusalem also identifies the ‘Heaven’ or the Seat of Worship of the God Sun at She-chem. ‘oa’ is as same as ‘Wat’ that marks the Wuto or Wutu again as same as Ut or Utkal or Mt Ita which directly pinpoints the land of Cush or Kushinagar where the Buddha died. Tunya’s historical identity is linked to both Egyptian Pharaohs and to Alexander’s Tyna, the Phoenician land near Panchaia.
It is very interesting to find the Mosi‐oa‐Tunya National Park boundary that ‘follows the left bank between the Sinde River and the Songwe Gorge, bounded in the North by Dambwa Forest Reserve and the Maramba Township’. This exactly writes the geographical situation of the ancient Tunya; Sinde refers to river Sindhu or the rive Indus; Dambwa refers to Amba or Amba-vana or the Mango-groves on the north of Tunya. Both Dambwa and Maramba were the two Mango–groves near Tunya. Songwe, perhaps, suggests the name of the river Ganges.
Unesco’s literature on this heritage site reads, ‘A riverine strip of the Zambezi National Park extending 9 km west along the right bank of the Zambezi and islands in the river are all within the Park as far as Palm and Kandahar Islands, with the Victoria Falls being one of the major attractions’ and speaking on the property of the site scholars marks ‘the …Kalahari sandstones and chalcedony out of which stone artefacts of Homo habilis dating three million years, stone tools of the middle Stone Age and weapons, adornments and digging tools of the late Stone Age that indicate occupation by hunter-gatherers’. History of Kalahari identifies it with Kalahata mountain of Asokan REs. While Palm refers to the ancient Kusinagar, Kandahar though has different name-forms, here identifies the Chandra or the Fertile Crescent of the Bible near Mt Caucasus in the Negev.
The most interesting historical fact attached to this heritage site comes from the place-name place called el-Sahli. ‘el’ identifies it with a place of worship; Sorabha and Sahana are the two neighbouring places of ancient Tanya or the biblical Tanais on the bank of the Caspian Sea itself. Temple of Zeus stands at Sorabha which is identified with el-Sahli. In Pali, this place is called Setabhya
Zambezi River marks both Zimbabwe and Zambia in its unique geographical terrain that holds the name of Jambudvipa, or the ‘first land’ from where migration in the ancient times happened towards Africa and other regions of the ‘unknown world’ of Ptolemy.
The most wonderful historic fact that relates Zambia’s Mosi‐oa‐Tunya heritage site with Kharavela’s Khandagiri Udayagiri Inscriptions again finds the Karabira Dam region of this site with the name of this King whose dynasty is known to history as Meghavahana dynasty. Here Kerubhim identifies ancient Babylon and it also marks the name of a ‘flower’.
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