Peculiar to its Atlantic coast’s geographical existence, ‘the Banc d’Arguin National Park comprises of sand-dunes, coastal swamps, small islands and shallow coastal waters’.
Unesco’s observations on this heritage site reads, ’The satellite reserve of 200ha located at Cap Banc constitutes the habitat for a monk seal colony and presents issues as regards its integrity. First, the reserve boundaries encompass the habitat of the 100 monk seals found in the region, the remainder using the area to the north known as the Côte des Phoques’.
Monk seals property of this site remarkably throws light on its ancientness; the Cap Blanc is indicative of the ancient Venka or Venkatachala where the Bodhisattva arrived after his banishment from Thebes or Sivi country, the country of the Vessantara Jataka. It identifies its base at the foot of the Mt Imaos. Côte des Phoques is very illustrative in nature that marks the Phoques or the ‘Bhikshus’(in Pali) again the same as ‘Phakiras’ or the monks. And these Monks came from the ancient Kote or Kota country. This is the country where the Buddha was born and also the country where the future Buddha Maitreya will reappear on earth. Kote is again the same as Ketubhim of the Bible and Kukuta of Pali texts which means ‘Parrot’. And in Indian etymological identification this is ‘Kapotika’ that marks the most revered monastery of the ancient world called Captus in the Bible which according to biblical scholars exists in Egypt. Ancient Kapilavastu is identified through this monastery.
The most interesting historical identity of the place is linked with the village of Cape Timiris neighbourly to this heritage site. This village is geographically related to Captus or Kapotika monastery of Kote country which marks both the port Tamralipta and the residing place of the Arjuneyyas or the Arguins. While Tamralipta is a coined name of two places: Tamra and Lipta where Tamra(Bronze) identifies Timiris or Timirus, Lipta stands for Lata. Arjuneyyas were the most outstanding people of the City of Troy who were called Trojans in Homer’s epics. Name Arguin also speaks of the ‘Uragas’ or the ‘Serpents’ or the ‘Sarpas’. In both the ways, this marks the ancient Og-island from which the name of modern Egypt has been derived.
This puts the region of the Mt Caucasus and the coast of the Green Seas at the forefront which were close to this Og-island. Turtle was revered by these people. Name of this green turtle as Chelonia Mydas makes a very wonderful geographical statement that finds Chelonia as people of Kolhana and Mydas as the ancient Madra. Both these countries were neighbourly to each other. It shows that the migrants took these turtle with them when they were forced to leave their land due to a volcanic eruption.
Unesco writes that ‘the rectilinear boundaries of the property suggest that they were not based on ecological parameters, but more likely correspond to administrative requirements’. This statement truly assigns to the naming patterns of the locals who did this keeping in memory the names of their ancient origin.
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