Abbey and Altermunster of Lorsch heritage site extends its ancient Sakiyan cultural relationship to the Palaces and Parks of Potsdam heritage site that includes Sacrow Castle and the Sauveur Church; and this explains the royal house of King Pasenadi(also Prasenjit/Potsdam !) of Kos.
Lorsch identifies the ancient Roruck which was the capital of Sauvira(Sauveur of the heritage site) country; its King was Bharata(Vorort). Abbey marks the ‘Abhaya’-giri(means ‘mountain’) monastery. The Gate of the Abbey is called ‘Torhall’ and this pinpoints the ancient Toshali.
According to Unesco, ‘The town of Lorsch in Hesse, Germany, hosts the renowned “Königshalle”. Apart from the Gothic gables and a few relics of past repairs and completion, this gatehouse is one of the very rare buildings from the Carolingian era whose original appearance is intact. It is a reminder of the past grandeur of an abbey founded around 764. The monastery’s zenith was probably in 876 when, at the death of Louis II the German, it became the burial place for the Carolingian kings of the Eastern part of the Frankish Realm’.
Laure-shamense Monas-terium(Latin)—
Worms—Aram/Hor-mesh/Rams(descendents of Parsuram)
Carolingian Empire—Kao-lingian/Kuru-lingian/Chera(Chola)-lingian(Ringian).
Chrodegang of Metz—Choda Ganga
Cancor—Kankan/Kanchi etc
St Nazarius at Lorsch—Santha Narayan(Nuzong/Najanga) at Roruck(Roruva)
Konard—Konark/K-Arad/Kon-arch etc
Castle Starkenburg—Castle Staka(Trikon)-burg
Otto—Wutu/Ota/Uta/Mt Eta
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