The following six set of housing estate in Berlin, according to Unesco ‘provides outstanding testimony to the implementation of housing policies during the period 1910 – 1933 and especially during the Weimar Republic, when the city of Berlin was characterized by its political, social, cultural and technical progressiveness’.
These six housing estates however mark the second homes of the migrants;
Gartenstadt Falkenberg(Tusch-kasten-siedlung)—Gostha(means ‘Goeth’/ Gothic) settlement in Baku; Takka-Kroust-Sada-Ranga; it speaks of two different identities.
Bohnsdorf—Bo-Hans-dorf/Hans tribes in Bo region
Treptwo-Koenick—Mt Tusita/Mt Tob/Tub in Kanana or Karnak/Kanak region
Siedlung Schillerpak—Sidha-Ranga in Sukar region
Mitte—Mittel/Mithil/Mitra region
Tier-garten—Troy/Tyre etc.
Reinickendorf Straße—Renick-ndrof/Renuka-drof
Großsiedlung Britz—Groß-siedling/; Britz refers to Buz/Barygaza
Hufeisensiedlung(Horseshoe Estate)— Hufei-sen-siedlung/Hufei-san- Sidha
Wohnstadt Carl Legien—Wohn-stadt/John-stadt
Prenzlauer Berg—Braja/Vajra-lauer
Weiße Stadt(White City) —Wei-city/White City refers to White Village/White Wall/White Mountain etc
Charlottenburg-Nord— Charl-Otten-burg-Nord
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