This particular heritage site of Unesco in Germany has been ‘chosen from the work of architect Le Corbusier that survives in eleven countries on four continents…’. The seventeen sites which have been selected and declared as heritage sites together demonstrate the ‘invention of a new architectural language’ that steadfastly disseminated worldwide through half a century. These seventeen sites have been taken from France(10 sites), Switzerland(2), Belgium(1), Germany(1), Argentina(1), India(1), and Japan(1).
Maison La Roche et Jeannneret ; France
Petite villa au bord du Lac Leman; Switzerland
Maison Guitte; Belgium
Maison de la Weissenhof-Siedlung; Germany
Villa Saviye et loge du jardiner ; France
Cite Fruges ; France
Immeuble Clarte ; Switzerland
Immeuble locatif la Porte Molitor; France
Unite’habitation Marseille; France
La Manufacture a Saint-Die ; France
Curutchet House ; Argentina
Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut de Ronchamp ; France
Cabanon de Le Corbusier; France
Complex du Capitole, Chandigarh, India
Convent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette ; France
Musee National des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident, Japan
Maison de la Culture de Firminy(France) : Church of Saint-Pierre, Firmny; Firmny Vert.
Maison La Roche et Jeannneret(France) are two houses in Paris ,Villa Jenneret and Villa La Roche; and they are no longer inhabited; it is very interesting to see that Jenneret identifies Jina-ratna of Pali literature that identifies a Wise Monk and a Great Teacher. Here Jina is as same as Zion, and ratna means ‘Jewel’. La Roche identifies the place where people offer their candles. These are etymologically very interesting names which are seen as name of two ‘buildings’
Petite villa au bord du Lac Leman(Switzerland) refers to Pei-to Tree or the Tree of Wisdom that is linked with Enlightenment of the Buddha. Leman identifies the Ramana people of the ancient world; Ramanas were also known as Ramanakas and they were as same as the Romans. Le Lac stands to identify the ‘Lokas’ of the ‘peoples’ means their region or the settlements. Places like Bussy, Estavayer-Le-Lac, Ruevres-les-Pres, Morens, Murist, Vernay and Vuissens are names that have their ancient counterparts to identify the homelands of ancient migrants.
Maison Guitte(Belgium) also called Les Peupliers marks a house in Antwerp; while Peuplier stands for Pariplaba as same as Periplus, Antwerp pinpoints the ancient region of Antilo neighbourly to it.
Maison de la Weissenhof-Siedlung(Germany) exactly identifies the ancient land on Assien plain of Sideon where Maison or the Mazon/Mazans or the Megians were the inhabitants along the southern bank of the river Assien same as the Ascesine.
Villa Saviye et loge du jardiner(France) is located in Poissy on the outskirts of Paris, and Poissy is a commune in the Yvelinees department in the Il-de-France. Name Saviey has been derived from name ‘Sivi’ (in Pali literature) which identifies the Greek Thebes; in reality, Il-de-France marks the people from El-desha or descendants of king Ila, who was a king of Serpent clan. It does not means ‘Island of France’ as scholars think. This island refers to the land between the rivers Oise, Marne and Seine which again marks a place known as Ile de la Cite. This holds the key to the historic identity of the ancient migrants in a big way; Cite refers to Cete or Cetiya country which was a neighbourly country to Sivi country. River Oise is as same as river Asi, Marne refers to Malini, and Seine to the river Sworn or the Gold Carrying river of ancient times.
Parisii were the inhabitants of the Ile-de-France and this identifies the ancient Parsii or the prachi people; Celtic Senones should not be considered as a sub tribe of the Parisii as noted by scholars; Senones were the Senanis of the Pali literature which were a shepherdic group to which the king of Magadha or biblical Megiddo belonged. Saint Denis was a Dananite Monk whose Dan identity traces his identity with the royal family at Troy(near Kapilavastu, birthplace of the Buddha). Romans were followers of Rama and were Nagas(marks the Negev). Hill of Mons Martyrum identifies the ‘Hill of Mani Ratnam’, not Hill of Martyres. It was near Baisali , the biblical Basilica. Clovis the frank defines the first king’s ancient identity with Kavi clan as same as Kaurava of the epic the Mahabharata; but franks were a different tribe on the same region. The Meroviangian dynasty marks the ancient Moeris or the Mauryan Kings whose identity was linked to the Peacock Bird and Peacock Throne as well as to the colour of this bird. Vikings were the people of Vanka-giri region and Paris identifies the city of Troy itself. Siege of Paris is siege of Tyre or Troy itself. Capetian kings were the kings of the region of Mt Caucasus that marks the Coptus Monastery of the monastery in the name of the bird ‘Kapota’. Yvelines is as same as the ancient Alavi and Essonne is biblical Essenes and Issan of Pali literature. It is Ayisanya or Isana of Indian puranic traditions also. Versailles marks ancient Baisali, Germain marks Girima or Mt Gerizim of the Bible, and Joile and Rambouillet refer to Jalandhar and Ram and Baula country respectively showing all places neighbourly to each other in a compact geography.
Cite Fruges(France) is located in Pessac; it identifies the Cetiya or the Cete country of ancient history.
Immeuble Clarte of Switzerland and Immeuble locatif la Porte Molitor of France exactly stand for ancient Kirata and Maruta counry respectively. Porte Molitor is located at the border of between the city of Paris and the commune of Boulogne-Billancourt; while Boulogne identifies the ancient city of Bolonga or Balanga and it got its name from a food-drink called kanji (made out of stored and boiled rice-waters)which was served to monks by two Bharadvaj brothers, Billancourt refers to ancient ‘Bilanca’ country as same as Babylon.
Unite’habitation Marseille(France) also refers to the La Maison du Fada which means ‘The Madman’s House’ and to Cite radieuse or Radiant City; both the translated names seems to be incorrect. The first means ‘Bhadra’ or the ‘Noble Lady or Sister’ mostly of a Royal House or from the Order, and the second refers to Rhada or Radi/Radha; thus the building marks itself as a place where royal house ladies were living. Marseille is exactly as same as the Mahasala of ancient history which identifies the Mahanaim region of the Bible.
Saint-Die of La Manufacture a Saint-Die(France) heritage site marks another place where noble house women who became Bhikshunis were living.
Curutchet House(Argentina) refers to Curu-chaitya or Royal house of Kuru as same as House of Cyrus of ancient history. It may also refer to Kuta, Kakata and Kirata royal houses where images processions were being held in ancient times. Its historical identity also comes from the name La Plata which identifies it with ancient prastha or the Greek Ephorate, and the river Euphrates.
Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut de Ronchamp(France)is known as the ‘Our lady of the Heights’ in English; in French it is called Chappel Notre-Dame-du-Haut de Ronchamp. Chappel means ‘Kapila’ and it is associated with House of Dam/Dan; Ronchamp refers to ancient Champaran; it also identifies Kamboj, next to Cyrus or Kuru. Region of Bour-gogne-French-Comte very interestingly marks the three regions: Gnaga, Frnaks, and the Kote in the neighbourhood of both Kuru and Champaran. Ronchampa is now located between Vosges and the Jura Mountains. While Vosges identifies Bhrugus or the Vargaba, Jura is as same as the Mt Jaradhira near ancient Jerusalem. It refers to Jara of Indian epic the Mahabharata. It was a place near the Moon country identified through the river Scamander means ‘Chandra’ means ‘Moon’. It is wrong to connect this term with Jurassic period of the imaginary geologic timescale, and the Montes Jura of the Moon. The highest peak in the Jura range is le de la Neige and its relation with Ain and Thoiry is historic in nature. Neige means ‘Naga’ means ‘Serpent’ which refers to the Plain of Serpent in Negev.
Cabanon de Le Corbusier(France) heritage site refers to the building that Le Corbusier built for himself; Cabanon ‘s root is in ‘chyaban’; this identifies the Sage Chyaban whose name is included in the list of minor prophets in Old Testament.
Chandi-garh of Complex du Capitole(Chandigarh, India) refers to the ancient Kandy which also identifies the seat of royal house in Ceylon. It marks the internal migration before the ancient migrants happened that finds migrants rushing to unknown shores by sea routes.
Convent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette(France) is located in Lyon; but its monastery was placed under Eveux-sur-Arbresle because of importance attached to ‘sur’ in ‘rabi’ and ‘sulla’ region in ancient times. And Marie or Maura as a place was neighbourly to ‘sur’. Eveux is in Rhone which identifies itself with ancient Rohan; it can be explained how Michon family, Claret family and Fleurieux were geographically linked to La Tourette means La Tushita. Here Monsieur refers to Lake Manasseh and Monverdun to Manavardhan; The region defines itself with L’Arbresle means ancient Arab(means ‘rabi’ means ‘sun’) that identified the Rock Arronous(Aruneh/Aaron). Lyon was the land of the Lion’s(Laish) people or people of Siha clan. Senechaus See marks the Senani, a shepherd class people in See region near Trivier means Triveni. Villeurbonne was much famous as Bilva-bana or Velluvana in ancient Rohan.
Name Musee National des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident(Japan) offers some significant points to look at the entire stock of Japanese words that find etymological study of ancient names elsewhere in other parts of the world. Same word gives different meanings at different parts of the world. The Japanese name of the heritage site is more important than its English translated name. It is Kokuritsu Seiyō Bijutsukan and it identifies three names along with Musee; it is situated in Ueno Park in Taito central Tokyo. This Park formerly belonged to Kan’ei-ji. These are the interesting names which throw much light on migrants’ original hometowns.
Maison de la Culture de Firminy(France) : Church of Saint-Pierre, Firmny; Firmny Vert ; the ancient name of the town was Firminiaco or Firminiacus (lit. “place of Firmin”). The name was first recorded in a 971 charter by the king of Burgundy. Firmny identifies the ancient fan people also known as Fayum people.
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