This heritage site of Naumburg Cathedral is located in Thuringian Basin; scholars are of the opinion that this Cathedral’s construction started in 1028. But they are not certain regarding Markgraf Ekkehard I of Meissen to whom historians consider as founder of Naumburg which is in the Burgenland-kreis in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
Ekkehard was murdered in 1002 at Pohlde Abbey in the Harz Hill. There was no monastery in Naumburg then where his corporal body could be buried; his son Hermannand Ekkehard II have his body and moved to Georgen-kloster at Naumburg. Ekkehard’s sons founded a small parish church and dedicated to the Virgin Mary which was then existed in the western part of the castle. It ws mentioned in the surviving texts of the Merseburg bishopric chronicle in 1021. Ekkehard’s sons received approval from King Conard II and Pope John XIX to move the Episcopal See from Zeitz to Naumburg in 1029. In 1044, during the reign of Bishop Hunold of Merseburg, the church was consecrated and the patron saints of Peter and Paul were designated, adopted from Zeitz Cathedral
Here the river is called Saale River near the mouth of the Unstrut. In German is is called Sächsische Saale, and this name identifies its ancient root. Among its tributaries are the White Elster, Regnitz, and Orla on the right bank and the Ilm, Unstrut, Salza, Wipper and Bode on the left. Its valley, down to Merseburg, contains many castles. Places standing on its course brilliantly remind the hometowns of migrants in a grand way who found their new settlements on the bank of this river.
Ekkehard—Akkadian of the Bible; Eka-chariya/Eka-chaliya
Georgen-kloster—Gargi/Garga of Kroust
Harz Hill—Haza
Hermannand Ekkehard II—Hemananda
Episcopal See—Sse/Sri in Copal region
Hunold of Merseburg—Han/Anarda/Anarta
Saale River—Salia/Sara river
Sächsische Saale—Sach-sische-Salia means Salia river on whose bank was Sha-chi/Eschate/Rome
White Elster—Dhavala Aste/Osta; marks the White Village/White Mountain
Salza—Sarju river
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