Unesco says that Arles is an ancient city of European civilization which has many Romanesque monuments to its credit. Starting from first century B.C. to 11th c A.D. its monuments speak of a golden age ‘attested by the baths of Constantine and the necropolis of Alyscamps’. Saint-Trophine is considered as one of the major Romanesque monuments in Arles.
The word Romanesque is a confusing term created by academic scholarship for its own use; scholars working on ancient Rome are not aware of the fact that Rome identifies itself with Rama of the epic the Ramayana. Arles marks the Arilo or the place of Ariya-sksheta-yodha means ‘Missionary Soldiers’ of the ancient times. They were drawn from different areas of the ‘inhabited world’ who worked for the protection of the King, the Kingdom and the ‘religion’ of the state.
Alyscampa is a coined-name of two places; Alisa and Campa. Name Ulysses of Homer’s epics has been derived from this name Alisa or Elisa(also Elis). Pali texts speak of a place in the name of Alisara in Kolhana, and a king in the name of Alinacitta, and a hermit in the name of Accuta in the same region. Rhone is as same as Rohan of Pali, and Bouches relates itself to its ancient counterpart Bacchus or Baku, the seat of ancient Baktrians. Campa is as same as Kamboj which was a part of Byzantine region that includes both Cyprus(Kubera) and Cyrus(Kuru).
Trophine( or Trophimus) is identified with ancient Taprobane and Tribeni; this heritage site of Unesco in a way finds the ancient migrants from the region of Ithica, the hometown of Odysseus; journey of Telemachus, son of Ulysses, to Pylos finds both Triphylia and Messenia on his way which were named as Nestor’s hometowns. Triphylia is as same as Trophine and Pylos means ancient Peleus(Pella), the birthplace of Alexander near Ithica. The latter is as same as Othaca of Pali literature, and Occitan means Othaka which describes the ancient region of Wutu also.
Thermae’s root is in Thinae or Thaneswar/Sthanu(means ‘stone’) or Sthenes of Homer; it identifies the sacred bathing place at Triveni itself, the meeting place of three rivers. Locally it is called lenga d’òc which means Renga dvar or Gangadvar. In the Avesta, Ranga means the River Ganga. In Indian puranas, names like Ranga-dhar, and Ranga-charan refers to Sri Hari. Though the name identifies God Hari/Vishnu, it also identifies a place, the source of the river Ganges at Ganga-dvar. Thermae as a bathing place means this river at its source where seat of worship of Indra, or the God of Vajra(Vezere/Vezelay means ‘vajra-alay’) stands. It is very interesting to see that the other name of Sthaneswar sacred bathing place is Prayag which is known as Tirtha-raj or the King of Bathing Places; this shows how ancient migrants have remembered the names of the sacred places of their original hometwons through their new settlements. This remembrances have given rise occasions and opportunities to produce new term and new words.
Balaneion and Balneae identifies ‘Baruna’ means ‘Sea’; and Baruni means ‘an auspicious bathing-day’ at the sea. This day refers to a star in a particular sign like the Dog Star in January/February, and Sun in the sign of Kumbha means Aquarus. The most favoured sacred bathing point at the junction of seas refers to the seat of worship of Baruna/Varuna, a Homeric god. But scholars failed to understand the meaning of this word which has been translated as ‘bath’ or ‘baths’.
Other names attached to ‘bathing’ places identify the seat of worship of the God Baal. God Baal’s seat of worship was on the bank of the Baal river and it was a branch river of the Euphrates(river Bhratu).
Bala also refers to the hair-relics worshipping site ; bala means ‘hair’.
Balinea—refers to Maru-titha means a sacred sandy-place or a place in the desert near the sea.; Bali means ‘sand’.
Balineae—At Bali; name of a place; means people at Bali.
Balnea—refers to people at Baal/Bali
Balneolum—seat of worship of Baal/or at Bali; –neolum means ‘nilaya’ or seat or building.
Balneum—name of Baal/Baal/Bala
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