The Palace and the Park of Fontainebleau was a royal residence for more than four centuries starting from François I, and then continuing through the reigns of Henri IV, Louis XIII, Louis XV and Louis XVI, who devoted their efforts to enrich this royal residence, and Napoleon I preferred above all others. Events in French history cannot be isolated from this Palace which was used by the kings of France at various times of its history; it stands in the vast forest of the Ile-de-France in the Seine-et-Marne region.
The construction of this building was started in 1528; Francesco Primaticcio consecrated the most productive phase of his career to Fontainebleau, where he worked on the frescoes of the Salle de Bal, the room of the Duchesse d’Etampes and the Galerie d’Ulysse.
What is important to observe here is that the origin of royal house of France(also Europe) points to the House of Carpi, and from this Royal House name of Kings like Francois, Henry, Philip, Louis, and Augustus originated whose roots mark different tribe-names: Franks, Han, Pella, Ballabha/Pallava, Loi, and Aggara/Agasti. But House of Carpi refers to ancient Capa Kanadra/Kandra, and also to ancient Kavi/Kabi people. This complex nature of clan identity of royal houses throws light on six royal clans of the ‘inhabited world’ who ruled its ‘Four Quarters’ ; academic scholarship could not understand the meaning of ‘Iron King’ when they called Philip IV with this title who ruled France from 1285 until his death. A King of One Quarter was designated as an Iron King; a king of Three Quarters was a Silver King, and a Bronze King was identified with Two Quarters; Philip IV was not called an Iron King because of his stubbornness and rigidity. So the ancestors of the royal family of Philip IV were Iron Kings of the ‘inhabited world’. Convent des Trinitaires which stands next to the castle of Philippe le Bel identifies the Triple Gems of the original hometowns of the King. Some of the Kings of France like Augustus, are seen to have held dandas or the religious stick in the hand; similarly the way Augusts put on his royal cloth(keeping the left shoulder open) marks a distinct religious sense of cloth wearing followed by the monks of his time. It was then followed strictly by Sramans only.
The palaces of kings are called ‘chateau’ means ‘chaitya’ means ‘a sacred chariot-like structure’ and Cete or Cetiya country was identified with this name where Image Processions were held annually and images of kings and idols of gods placed in a chariot were drawn by the public to celebrate the memory of past kings and the ancestral history of royal families.
Ancient migration of people of royal houses began with a grand plan; with selected skilled and best minds of the kingdom along with celebrated members of the Women’s Country and the Priests and the Priestess, the royal families left their original towns and cities after the Great Flood. This seems to have happened only after 8th c A.D.
Memory of Salle and Bal, Etampes and Ulysse have been used in frescoes of royal houses where one of the Royal Parks (on the east) is called Jardin; this collectively reflects the geographical situations of the ancient Ile or El or Iliad country from where the migrants came and settled in modern France which identifies itself with the settlements of ancient frank people of ancient India not the present political India.
Fontainebleau—-Palentine/Patelene Kingdom.
Salle—-marks ancient Jerusalem
Bal—Seat of Baal deities/pygmies neighbourly to Jerusalem
Etampes—Et-ambes/Goddess Amba of Wutu/Ut country;
Fountain de Bliaud—Bud/Baud/Parad country
Adela of Champa-gne—Adulis/Adulia near Champ; ancient port town of Adulis
Dieudonné (God-given)—Dieu-donne does not mean ‘God-given’; Dieu refers to ancient Dio/or Dido on the bank of the river Dio; donne means the Temple of Doan or the Jina temple in Dido’s city.
Aquitaine—Arkshita/Achyuta/Arkot/Akkadian etc
Capetian lands to the Pyrenees—Kapotka/Pyrre/Purana neighbourly to Oxian country.
Younger or the Young—King of Anga country
Pamiers—Bam/Bamara region;
Foix—Pakshi means ‘bird’ region; may be ‘bayas’ or ‘Baku’ also.
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