Understanding of the scientific base of scriptural narratives is most important as it focuses a ‘chain of events’ that not only hold a specified geographical boundary but also a lineage of personalities who are identified as ‘Gods’; there are no such ‘markings’ as ‘earlier findings’ and ‘modern findings’ when same geographical assignment is attributed to all happenings. There arises no challenges and no theoretical criticisms are helpful for observable evolved situations in a single geographical pocket. Science and theology becomes a single molecule of thoughts and dissolve their differences here when ‘Past’ of all things are visualised in a particular ‘pond’ of the ‘Present’. A single non-competitive domain appears as the only ‘base’ for ‘theory’ as well as for ‘facts’ with a space-time continuum that never identify itself with any mathematical proposition for its holding of matters that are to be annihilated at a fixed rate and within a fixed time of their respective origin.
It is again wrong and non acceptable in the areas of scientific thoughts on origin of life to see differences among various religions who do not suffer from geographical differences on their origin. Variances of individual opinions do not cause geographical shifts of the ‘origin’ of human base.
There exists no such thing as European theologians and Indian theologians; and to divide the ‘Origin of God’ in different geographical pockets of theologians is an incorrect view for scientific ideas on a Single Creator View of the world. When a single geographical pocket is seen for all happenings holding responsibility of ‘origin’ of everything then views expressed in dissimilar ways create inherent unity in themselves and science gets a better ground to unify their ‘time’ and ‘space’ . Here no need Darwinism or Einstein Theory of Relativity hold truth for matters caring inherent annihilation time within them. The enterprising field of evolution creates changes for itself like repairing one’s abode to accommodate ‘destruction’ and suo motto annihilation of matters to give continuity the fixed space it requires to regenerate ‘future’ for the existing matters. In the process of continuity of life on earth where changes are most prominent and continuous, ‘geographical base of origin’ remains constant for all purposes.
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