Troy, the City of Gods of the Serpent Clan in the ‘south’ is the geographical base of all stories of the ancient world be it epics, mythologies, or the classics. This identifies with it the Manasarovara Lake or the region of Manasseh, the fertile plain of the Naga or the Serpent Kings during the pre-biblical time when it was called Tyre, also Turrah of some other writers. Alexander attacked this city; it was visited by Chinese pilgrim Hiouen Tsiang in 7th c AD. Latter’s account is the last of the historical documents on this place which Indian puranas call Toya and the Buddhist texts know it as Tadwa and Todeyya.
The baffling stories on the divine nature of this piece of land on earth and involvement of its people in wars of human civilization in dynastic history of the world which finds it indifferent name-forms of this land, makes and breaks surprises of people in different times of history. Story of ‘all’ world epics revolve keeping this divine city at the centre.
Aeneas journey from Troy to ancient Rome describes the history of the dynastic relationship between the two places that sees Rama and his son Lava at the beginning and end of Vergil’s Aeneid. It is still more surprising to read Aeneas as son of Aphrodite and Anchises. Other sun of Rama was Cush or Kusha. Rome was the birthplace of Rama; Name of his mother Kausalya identifies Caesarea, the seat of royal administration of Roman Emperors.
Destruction of Troy, according to Indian puranas, brings deluge with death of its God-king Dakshya or Dardanas(or the Danaans) and whole of the natural world faces extinction thereafter. Aphrodite or Parbati of Indian puranas represents the subtle nature whose death means ‘destruction of humanity’ itself.
Troy was an Underworld; and its description describes the whole of the ‘inhabited world’. Ancient Egypt was same as ancient Og island or Oja-dvipa. Sri Lankan history claims this island as another name for Ceylon, and this is a wrong view of the world history. To find Hisarik(Turkey) holding ancient Troy is again incorrect, and extending any credit to Heinrich Schliemann for finding Troy is a great mistake. This alone is responsible to misguide whole of the academic studies on classics in a wrong way.
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