DNA study has become the hot bed of creating wrong messasges on ancient people and their history; in order to show migration to South America, an international team of researchers collected DNA samples from the remains of people who lived around Lake Titicaca, Soro Mik’aya Pattjxa, and Rio Uncallane ; scientists claim that thay collected DNA samples of people from the site of Soro Mik’aya Pattjxa where lived the hunter-gatheres 8,000 and 6,500 years ago; and also of the peole from the sites of Rio Uncallane where early farmers lived and 18.00 year-old remains were found. Now they claim that people have adapted to living in cold temperatures, low oxygen levels and intense ultraviolet radiation of the Andes Montains within few hudred years of migrating to South America. Archaeological News quoting Live Science reported this news on 12.11.291. This news has been flashed without giving names of scientist working on this subject.
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