The analysis of the Aristotelian theory of generation sheds light on the geographical situations of the ancient world. As it is understood by scholars today that it sheds light on metaphysical content, is far from truth. The generation of ‘katà physin bodies’ do not represent the generation of ‘coming to be of a new substance”, or the one that Randall called ‘emergence of novelty’.
Aristotelianism with the new theological perspectives, explains the ‘contact’ between God and the world in the line the thought of School of Zion; .the theologians of the ‘kalam’ should be seen from the theology which the Buddha learnt from his second teacher Kalama; it was also name of a place where, a group of philosopher in this ‘name’ were living which was neighbourly to Coptos. The ‘third way’ that tries to mediate between Platonism and Aristotelism is away from the ‘middle path’ of the School of Zion.
‘Metaphysics Zeta’ and ‘Metaphysics Lambda’ identify a group of followers who disfigured their bodies to achieve salvation in life, or the ‘god-contact’.
The phenomenon through the analysis of the four Aristotelian causes, identify the ‘senses’ which drive human desires towards ‘raw material-substratum’ of the material world of the new generation. He did not see it in the motion of the celestial bodies which drive humans to consult and refer to their past actions, or future plans. In the light of the four causes, making use of the distinction between remote causes and proximate causes, stands the Avicenna, called ‘desires’ or vasana. According to Avicenna, it is necessary to place the system of causes for the sub-lunar world to know the causes that form ‘picture in mind’, the agent of intellect which informs humans to act, and form ideas, to come nearer ‘senses’ to pursue things for phenomenal benefits.
‘Zeta’ and ‘Lambada’ identify a distinct social group who were then pursuing the divine on their own lines without being influenced by the thoughts of the School of Zion of which Aristotle was a ‘member’.
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