On the Besadai trade, the Periplus says, ‘On the confines of Thina is held an annual fair attended by a race of men called the Sesatai, who are of a squat figure, broad-faced, and in appearance like wild beasts, though all the same they are quite mild and gentle in their disposition. They resort to this fair with their wives and children, taking great loads of produce packed in mats like the young leaves of vine. The fair is held where their country borders on that of Thinai……’. The product which the Periplus finds here are the Malabathrum which is extracted from the Calami; three names of these ball-type leaf products have been mentioned : hadro, meso, and mikro-sphairon. The problem with the modern scholarship is that they do not see the names of the product with the names of the places where they are produced. Calami fibre was produced in a place called by the same name, or Kalama; similarly, is the case with hadro, meso, and mikro-sphairon. People of Zamirai are seen as a tribe of the region where seat of worship of Yama then existed. Name of ‘Mala’ identifies the Malla country which was then a part of the ancient Mahasala or the region of Mahanama near the Manasarovara lake.
The annual fair which the Periplus mentions pinpoints to the site of the goddess at Bethany only on the bank of the river Beitim or Baitarani
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