Archaeologist Ali Cameron of the Book of Deer Project found a game board thought to have been used to play Hnefatafl, a Norse strategy game. While searching for the Pictish-era monastery near the small village of Old Deer in eastern Scotland, this game board of medieval era was discovered. The Book of Deer contains the Christian gospels, oldest known written example of Scottish Gaelic. A Christian symbol known as a Solomon’s Knot had also been carved on the stone.
The Old Deer village is very interesting where archaeologists are searching for the Pictish era monastery. Scottish Gaelic again refers to biblical Gaul whose historical account can be raced in Alexander’s India invasion accounts also. Here Gaul is as same Gaya, and Pliny’s NH has given a realistic geographical position of this ancient city.
Most of the biblical scholars are unaware of the historical relationship between three places which have entered into Bible: Megiddo, Migdal, and Mudgal. Here Migdal refers to the Mriga, or the Deer. This was a wonderful place in the ancient world which has gone into all books of faith. Its translation into ‘Deer’ has created confusion among scholars. Solomon’s Knot is not a Christian symbol; this is another most misunderstood name in Christian Books of Faith. Solomon is the corrupt name for Sramana, means ‘Bhikshu’ or a monk. The Monk was the King who represents himself as the religious leader of the four-quarters of the ‘inhabited world’.
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