Scientists are looking for life beyond earth, and are constantly endeavouring for mapping the universe with the sole purpose to discover the extraterrestrial presence of life beyond planet earth through radio signals and laser transmissions. Breakthrough Listen Programme is an attempt that finds eminent scientist engaged to discover signs of extraterrestrial civilizations by searching different stars and galaxies by radio signals.
I sent Emails to Yuri Milner as well as to eminent scientists of this programme pointing out to certain historical facts which requires that one of the radio transmission centres should be placed at the ‘centre of the earth’ where according to Pali literature ‘invisible hanging cities’ are located.
For this I wrote them how colonial British Government in India tried to take a photograph of Mahima Baba during his life time and failed every time they clicked his photo. Whether the camera failed or any mystery happened that could not catch a photograph of Mahima Baba remains a mystery which cannot be explained today. But this is a fact that happened during our time. Mahima Baba appeared from nowhere in 1826 at Puri and disappeared similarly in a mysterious manner around 1880 at Joranda in Dhenkanal district of Odisha(India). It is argued that his body was radiating light for which reason his photograph could not be taken by camera.
If this becomes the truth how Breakthrough Listen Programme would be a success. It would have best had the team of scientists responded to certain established facts of history.
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