Archaeologist Svein Harald Gullbekk of the University of Oslo found a large number of coins beneath the wooden floorboard of Medieval Bunge Churches in Norway, Sweden and Denmark; the most revealing fact is that most of the coins were found on the ‘north’ side of the nave where men and women normally segregate during a ceremony inside a temple.
What is not reported by the scholar is that the ‘north-east’ direction represents the ‘Seat of Worship of God Issan or Essenes’(see it as Bethany) , one of the Eight Primordial Gods of the World. Relics of ancestors are placed in this direction only, and every household places the articles of worship at this particular corner of the house.
Glossary of the entire scientific world does not contain the name ‘Benga’ as another name for the ‘Frog’; the Exodus which explains the attack of ten plagues on Egypt, mentions ‘frogs’ as the second plague. The Hebrew name for the plague has been shown as ‘makat’, and the ‘frog’ in Hebrew for the second plague has taken the name of ‘Tzefardea’. According to Egyptian mythology the frog represents goddess Heket. Both ‘makat’ and heket’ seems to indicate ‘rakta’ means ‘blood’ which is the first plague. And this ‘first plague’ is well preserved in Indian puranas where this term is associated with the waters of Saraswati river whose waters turned into blood due to a tantric war between Sage Basistha and Sage Biswamitra represented by two ancient tribes. Hebrew ‘Tzefardea’ is indicative of a place-name where the second plague happened. And this becomes a sacred place and is known to ancient as Benga. From this name originated the name of ‘Bengal’, one of the states of the Indian Union. Bunge Churches in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark collectively speaks how after the ancient migration Churches were raised by the migrants in different parts of Europe. (Archaeological News quoting Science Nordic flashed this excavation findings on 28.9.19).
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