Excavation of a tomb in Baytras(Jordan), the site of which according to archaeologists marks the ancient site of Capitolias, exhibits decorated wall paintings more than 250 figures of humans, animals and gods. Archaeologists Jean-Baptiste Yon, Julien Aliquot, and Pierre-Louis Gatier of the History and Sources of Ancient Worlds Laboratory(HiSoMA) dates it to the second century A.D but the site of the Captions belongs to more than 4.300 years ago, they claim. The report of this excavation has been flashed by CNRS News report and it is quoted by Archaeological News on 28th Sept.2018.
Problem with our scholars is that they do not know what exactly this ‘Capitolias’ stands for under the Roman Empire; and what deities were being worshipped in Capitolias and in Caesarea Maritima are unknown to them also. While Capitolias marks the ‘Chaitya’ or the ‘Chariot’ , Caesarea Maritima pinpoints the seat of worship of ‘Mother Aitt or ‘Rati’ in Caesarea, same as Kesuria of Indian puranas. Name of ‘rati’ stands for human ‘seeds’, attached with human ‘love’ and ‘sexuality’.
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