Evolution is a fact, and for this the place where ‘origin of life’ took place becomes the first breeding ground of this invisible process which is yet to be reached and used by the tools of thoughts of science. The process of evolution which uses the ‘land’ for its genetic purposes is an observable geographical basin where from the time of epics it stands naked to the human knowledge to inform that tribes in the name of rat, monkey, ant, horse, elephant, lion, and peacock, and regions named after birds and trees existed before along with the land of the gods and humans which evolved with due process of time. Same breeding ground of human knowledge has been repeatedly used by literary heritage of the human-valley where exchange of thoughts of gods and humans took place on the banks of the primordial rivers and lakes most of which have disappeared today due to extreme climatic changes. These are observable basins of humans’ origin which generate facts for the naked eyes but not yet texted by and for the classroom mind of our time.
The theory that searches for a base for its growth has been neglected by years of roaming through false ideas of time that has only produced vacant areas for scientific knowledge. Truth is always ‘final’; what is not final is the ‘bowls of truth’ of hectic minds. Those who made and broke things in the past were not forefathers of human knowledge. They could not find their participation in the process of evolution but spread its news and published them as owners of facts of sciences. What cannot be established is the ‘ignorance’ of human knowledge and what establishes itself as an event exists only in a nonperpetuating human experience.
Evolution is necessary for truth and through truth evolution maintains its continuity and equilibrium; the geographical breathing-basin where this process occurred first and from where it controls its repeating self in the likeness of changing of dresses by humans, to keep certainty of life on earth, is visibly an invisible fact.
The guts of this invisible process is cased in the frames of mortality, and gaps between theory and facts are built are observables on a time-frame base made out by changes visible but not proved in the absence of an engaged continuity of the same geographical situations. Facts are not always data which humans make and remake themselves at each and every point of their existential movements. It is liable to recreate swift changes with and through memory, with actions and with multiple interactions. Geographical data are beyond humans’ control that prevails upon both on the theory and on facts of life’s continuity on earth. Facts turn to become myths after a huge gap of inconceivable time. Ideas cannot catch ‘past’, and occurrences of the past cannot be recreated through human endeavours after a lapse of time. It cannot be renewed and also cannot be repeated except that during time of destructions it makes past as same as the present, and the future to sit on a mound of primordial earth again. Both Einstein and Newton are incorrect, so also Darwin, on the plain of the primordial land’s invisible picture of its past. An explanation of this sort is not exploration of truth which can be derived on the school backboard to show the renewing and breaking of the primordial geography obeying of any of the mathematics of our time.
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