For scientific consensus on origin and evolution of life it requires all branches of human knowledge to discipline their views on a broad plain of a existing human base where happenings of historical facts can be adjusted and explained within the narratives of ancient texts.
Differences in humans’ desire cannot distort and alter an already happened base of this desire; it is not that the earth was created at different times part by part, once for Americans, once for the Europeans, and then for others at different locations on earth. No individual life system can sustain geographical disadvantages against his natural habitat; the base that created the life cannot annihilate it unless it creates a desired-system within it to do so for itself. So no human intelligence has the capacity to visualise the system that created the responsibility of upholding the first breath which means one cannot go back to his ‘past’ and have a ‘look’ at its own origin.
Scientific consensus cannot create its study ‘base’ for various life forms at different locations if differences in times of their appearance and extinction in history need to be localised.
One ten years-old human child cannot see the time before his time; similarly a religion born in tenth century B.C. cannot correctly see the happenings that happened before its time; but the tradition that maintains a creative line of transportation of facts from one generation to the other should not face question by a later time generation which stand at a different time-distance. Here the origin of a particular faith has to answer its origin base and its point of continuity in time to prove that their views on ‘creation’ story uphold the continuum factor of sustainability of time with respect to others views.
There arises at this point not to accommodate different views but to keep facts open the ‘connectivity’ base of different partners of creation story on a compact geographical region to sustain differences of their different time of appearance on earth. This gives coordinates of life system to draw a picture of its zones that can explain coming-from and going-to destinations at a later time.
In order that Genesis holds a creation-view, then Hebrew meaning of the word Bereshith should looked into seriously; and origin and meaning of Hebrew here needs academic attention. Biblical genealogy is not different from genealogy of humans seen in Indian puranas. No human picture of the universe would seem to explain satisfactorily its stand without putting certain geographical meaning to the nativity of Prophets mentioned in different religions to whom later day followers believe as God.
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