Ignorance of the geographical base of the ‘origin of earth, and origin of life’ forms the base of creation-evolution debate in academic circle; and this brings into its fold all branches of human knowledge to look at the issue from all angles. To learn the story of creation from different religious literature provides the basic tools for the science, and there is no much difference among various views on origin of life in these texts if it is learnt that all world religions were born in a single geographical pocket on earth. Evolution by natural selection is the outpost of human ignorance where blind men live but blindness does not. Is there anything like good blindness, bad blindness or good ignorance and bad ignorance in the academic world? Does scientific gossiping in Europe is good and scientific gossiping in America is irresponsible? Does creation stories of Christianity is more scientific in nature than creation stories in Indian religious texts? What should form the base of the debate on creationism is not today’s humanity moving before us like entities of nature but the ‘land’ that created Adam and Eve, and the fruit they ate for survival on earth. There is no controversy in creationism but it exists in the varied tones of language of creationism.
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