Any attempt to consolidate human experiences on earth from the beginning of the creation up to our times require dissolution of scientific concepts on origin of all things and bringing down the concept of time to meet its own death at a defined point on earth.
All subjects and all nature bound methods to quantify both objectified and subject oriented human knowledge need a point-base to begin from the beginnings of all mental things. Subjective division of human knowledge was primarily a product of geographical parameters that explain the origin of everything and holds the reason of death of everything. Cause–effect concept does not obey quantum dynamics at subtle level of human existence. Nothing can be quantified on a time scale that buries humans’ experiences in non observable plains of human thoughts. Observable aspect of evolutionary process is absent to mortal frame of our time; when a horse-faced man died to become a complete man cannot be explained. To observe the basic survivable aspect of earth’s continuity we have missed through process of time; but part of its structural view can be perceived through literary heritage of human civilization, and this requires a scientific approach to reach that readability region of humans’ first-step on earth. There are no supernatural elements except that the way the literature explains its narratives is unimaginable for us to believe. So the mistake is with our understanding of the ‘past’. If science of our times fails to understand the science of the time we have missed then fault lies with us. We have to devise a scientific method to quantify our own present ignorance. It is wrong to assume that science elementally differs from the concept of Gods and Goddesses. We have not reached the region where life processed its begging and its journey. Concept of Heaven and Gods in Heaven pinpoints a ‘place’ on earth. And that is an interesting fact for the science.
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