Carl Lipo of the University of Binghamton suggests that the Rapa Nui of Easter Island placed the stone statues known as moai in places where drinking water was available.
Moai statue refers to the ancient land of the moeris, or the land of the mauryas or the mauri or the peacock people. Story of Peacock tells the story of Bodhisattva Peacock who by hitting the stone in the desert region produced the springs that supplied waters for the people; this peacock is the animal of burden of the creation God Chemosh(Kumar of Indian puranas), The story is so popular that finds it describes the story of the whole inhabited world itself. Anciently, Easter island which identifies ‘Eight Villages’ of the ancient history included the land of the moeris.
The excavation at the Rapa Nui site has been flashed by Arch. News (12.10.18) from
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