Isabelle Coupal of Department of Anthropology, University of Montreal, and Benjamin Irvine of British Institute, Ankara’s collective review of Antonio Sagona’s book, The Archaeology of the Caucasus: From Earliest Settlements to the Iron Age, which appears in AAJ shows how academic scholarship is unaware of ancient texts’ descriptive situation on this Mt Caucasus. Alexander’s India invasion map shows this mountain’s position very clearly along with other places like Ekbatana and the Gangetic plain which were neighbourly to its position.
The writer has written this work without much study on this primordial mountain that has witnessed all epic wars including the War of Troy.
Reviewers’ view that ‘it is difficult to find fault with this book owing to its thorough approach to a wide variety and depth of material.., and ‘it is an excellent resource for both readers becoming acquainted with the region and specialists alike’ is a hollow statement. An archaeologist of the Caucasus region should have been first mindful of its geographical position in the ‘Negev’ of the Bible which was otherwise called ‘south’ of the ‘inhabited world’
All the significant “ages” of Caucasian prehistory cannot isolate the 6th c B.C. world, and its exclusion marks ignorance of the scholar on its own research subject. It is always meaningless to refer to ‘the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age I (1500–800 B.C.E.)’ which provides an escape route for all types of archaeological works.
The scholarship of the prehistoric Caucasus as shown in this work not only misleads itself, it bears elements which can distort the existing materials on this subject.
The basic idea on Caucasus is that it was a mountain (it has different name-forms also) in the Serpent Plain of the Tigris region which was known to the ancient world as ‘Kakustha’; its river was called Kakusthan river; it marks the ancient Khotan and also Coptus. It identifies the ancient volcanic base and the land of the Achaeans of Homer’s epics. Vergil also has taken this name in his Georgica; it identifies the Hittite kingdom and Manasseh.
Where our scholars stand now? Identification of this mountain is like identification of the seat of human civilization itself.
To say that the book contains chronological issues, typological designations, sociopolitical complexity, and ritual behaviour of the region’ is a futile statement. Story of Khotan is again the story of the Bible itself as it is identifies Kritika(Kurtika ), second wife of Abraham. Story of Deborah is also linked to this mountain. Mt Caucasus identifies seat of worship of Baal deities to whom scholars see as pygmies; other see Kakusthan as ‘Rats’ means Mousikanos(Musa)
To relate this ancient mountain with seven republics of the Russian Federation is wrong; the present picture is the scene of the second settlements of the ancient migrants who put the names of their ancient settlements with their new settlements. Kura-Araxes tradition (3500–2400 B.C.E.) identifies the ancient Ottorrokorrah region or the deified region of Uttara-Kuru(Cyrus) that identifies Astarte Gods including God Jama in Jerusalem.
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