Geological science failed to accumulate its strength to stand before the ancient maps which are there before the academic world for years. Even out of sheer ignorance study of these maps were left out purposefully to give space and to develop new grounds of newcomers’ ideas through loopholes of biblical creation story. But they do not academically hold their sustainable views on the Flood Story but cling to Creation Story.
What does the ‘Universal Flood’ story suggest without a visible ground for this ‘Flood’? Every theorist create a new ground for confusion at a personal level where ancient world does not exit but a new picture of its flawed identity gets circulated to broaden the base of the debate.
There is virtually no gap in different theories but there are differences in finding out a geographical base for each of the theory proposed for origin of life.
Neptunianist-catastrophism does not see the Great Bear’s position and its influence on earth, and catastrophism when pinpoints and requires a visible base to prove its occurrence; but it is missing here. It does not exist at explainable levels to create historical methods for verification of its coordinates and nature of its happenings.
Most of the geological feature of the ancient world has been shown in Ptolemy’s maps. Every time a new geologist appears on the scene and forwards a new proposition and tries to influence the scanning of old thoughts leaving the Ptolemian Age and its maps behind. It is fatally wrong to propose erosion and deposition cycle of earth on the absence of scientists’ belief on geographical existence of Mt Meru, same as Mt Sumeru and Mt Imaos. Truth does not stand when humans’ error multiplies.
Why talk of millions of years when no scientific explanations are offered on events that happened two thousand years before whose records are with us to dispel individual doubts?
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