Meanings of both ‘Gnose’ and ‘Manichéisme’ have been totally misunderstood by academic scholarship; the origin of these two names can be traced through Indian puranic tradition and also through Pali literature. How these two names reached domains of western scholarship is not that difficult to know
Thomas J. Kraus’s review of Anna Van den Kerchove & Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete (ed.) book, Gnose et Manichéisme. Entre les oasis d’Égypte et la Route de la Soie. Homage to Jean-Daniel Dubois,….in BMCR(2018.03.21) reflects the trend of academic understanding of the meaning of these two terms.
The root of Gnose is ‘ghosa’ or ‘ghosh’ identifies a forest in this name(Ghoshira-vana), and a ‘car festival’ in the region of Go-sringa, Go-karna and Go-mati region. This was the ancient region of the Greeks on the ‘north’ that marks Siddhapura of Ptolemy’s maps. This name is also reflected as the region of Ghosarka which pinpoints the region of ‘ark’ with it.
In this festival followers of all faiths participate in a unique manner holding their own ‘images of faiths’. This name identifies an elite group of scribes also. It has become a title as well as a method of repeated reading.
Interesting is the name of Mani from which Manichéisme has been originated; Mani was a Kings of Serpent or Naga Clan(Negev region); his royal seat of administration marks Manasseh or Lake Manasarovara in the kingdom of Hittite. This particular Serpent King is seen as a deity and is worshipped every year in a particular day of the year. Temples in the name of Mani-Naga is seen in some remote areas of India even today. King Mani punished Sage Bhrugu or Bruch, and deported this ancient scribe to Babylon. Bhagavata purana preserves the name of this righteous King Mani.
Uighur pinpoints the region of ‘ghosha’ in the Middle Country or the centre of the earth region; and the tribe it identifies is the ancient Chin people; they can also be identified with ‘Agharia’ or the Gourian people of the ancient world.. The term ‘Kephalia’( also cephalia) is as same as Kaphe or Kophe and it has many name-forms; it identifies the region of the Greeks on the ‘north’ or the House of Cadmus of the Greeks where Kaphel or Kapila was born. Cadmus is responsible for raising the Naga or the Serpent clan. It has a long history that puts the ancient Greek history at the forefront. Name of Fayum similarly is very interesting that identifies the ‘frank’ people of the ancient world. Kephalaia of Fayum should be seen as Kapila who hailed from the land of the Fayums. Chinese pilgrim Fa-hian belonged to this ancient Fayum tribe.
Hymns to Mani is same as hymns of the deity Manasa, a Serpent deity; wonderful stories are there relating to Naga deities. Ancient world should be seen as a ‘unified whole’ and to see Egypt separately like Rome and Greek is wrong.
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