Han dynasty of 202 B.C. to A.D. 220 should be seen through Hiouen Tsiang’s travel account into Middle-Country, same as Mid-India, same as Middle-District, and again as same as centre of the earth which he visited in 7th c A.D.;
A village in Sichuan village in China where remains of nine houses, a well, cooking utensils, kettles, urns, pots, tiles, and bronze coins, and other items were found should not be construed as belonging to Han Dynasty period. Archaeologist Yang Yang of the Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute of Chengdu’s claim is not correct. He should see present China as the second settlement of ancient Chin people. There are hundred way to prove this point ; but let me forward only two points for this : pilgrim Fa-hian’s journey to ancient Lanka may please read again; how Fa-hian again and again sent his ailing friends back to home may be seen. Ancient Shanxi is same as ancient Sanchi; it is again as same as Chinese ‘Sa-chi’ which Fa-hian visited but historians denied Hiouen Tsiang’s visit to this place. Sanchi is same as ancient Saketa, which was neighbourly or the next day neighbour to Saketa or Shanxi. When Hiouen Tsiang handed over a letter from his king to Harsha, the latter prostrated himself in the honour of this king facing to the ‘north’ ; this shows the geographical position of the ancient China on the ‘north’ of Ptolemy’s Jambudvipa map. Many points are there, and ancient Chin should be seen as settlements of the Chnn people on the banks of the Caspian Sea, or Narayana Sara.
While Fa-hian belongs to the ancient fan tribe, Hiouen Tsiang is identified by Han tribe; Indian puranic tradition knows Han tribe as Anu-vamsa, and Bible calls it On. But unlike Indian puranas records of this tribe is not found elsewhere in detail. Pali texts mention Anu-vindaka as name of a people, and Aunpa, and Anupama as a city; it is also called Anupiya which was in the Malla country then where the Buddha arrived after renunciation. It was on the bank of the Manasarovara lake or Manasseh of the Bible. Anotatta was one of the seven great lakes of Jambudvipa rounded by five mountain peaks, Sudassana-kuta, Citra-kuta, Kala-kuta, Gandhamadana and Kelasa. They collectively identify the whole of the Jambudvipa also. Indian puranas know Aotatta as Anartta-desa, and it is same as Anupa-desa, the seat of the ancient Anu tribe.
Ptolemy knows it as Anniva; he writes thus, ‘Among the many rivers of Skythia which either fall naturally into larger ones , or glide onward to reach at last the sea, the Roemnus is of renown., and the Jaxartes and the Talicus, but of cities they are not known to have more than but three , Aspabota, Chaurian, and Saga. ……..Beyond these places in the two Scythias….lie the Seres……on the south extend as far as India and the Ganges. The mountains referred to are called Anniva and Nazavicium and Asmira and Emodon and Opuracara…..’. In determining the geographical position of Serike, Ptolemy strikes a note on Anniba whose extremities lie between 1530 600 and 1710 and 560. Here he pints out Ottorokorrha(or Uttara Kuru) at 1760 390.
Hioen Tsiang’s report gives a nice picture of the Jambudvipa, of its kingdoms and its kings. Ancient Chin which has gone into the Mahabharata as name of a country participated in the epic war and it was a country on the bank of the river Saraswati also.
Buddha’s charioteer Channa belonged to ancient Chin to which some historians call Qin tribe; they find a king in this name in later history.
Giving the genealogy of Anu-vamsa, Bhagavata purana says that Anu had three sons : Svabharnu, Chakshu, and Parekshu; extending this branch, thi spurana writes the names of other members of this clan in order ; Kalanara, Sanjaya, Janmejaya, Mahasala, Mahamana, Titukshu, Usinara, Sivi, Vara, Kurmi, Dakshya, Brusadarbha, Subira, madra, Kekaya, Rukshyadartha, Homa, Sutapa, Bali, Dirghatama, Anga, Banga, Kalinga, Kumbha, Pundra, and Odra.
This genealogy describes the history of the ‘inhabited world’ itself which has not gone into our text books rather in the name of puranas has been kept away from historical narratives. Canaan of Genesis(X) is same as Chna, brother of Kush and he is considered as a Phoenician; he had a first born son called Sidon. This story throws light on the history of ancient Chin.
These names though identify individual kings, but hold the names of kingdoms which have gone into ancient history, they have not been put into the history of world dynasties or history of human civilization.
According to annals of Han Dynasty, Yue-chang region was wart of its boundary; ‘This’ was the great western state of China, T’sin, and City of Thinae was its capital. This sate of T’sin was doe centuries was most powerful of the Chinese states. The Chou dynasty, which ruled from 867 to 255 B.C., found itself harassed in the west by Tartar tribes, and in the east by the rebellious subjects, the states of Wei, Han, Chau, T’si and Ch’u…Regular caravan travel between Chin and Bactri was there during 188 B.C. Kaotsou was the first emperor of Han dynasty who removed his capital from Loyang in Honan to Hien-Yang or Singanfu in Shensi, the ancient Ts’in capital. More accounts on ancient China and Han dynasty shows its relationship with Khotan the Silk town. These are the statements of ancient records which need to be linked and verified through Hiouen Tsiang’s report. Later history consider them as Hun tribe.
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