Modern human scholarship has buried itself from head to feet in the wrong meanings of the Hebrew Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim’s through wrong English translations as ‘Five Books of Moses’, ‘Prophets’ and ‘ Writings’ respectively.
How can it then able to speak on the ‘Origin of the Creation’ correctly?
The real meaning of Torah is Troy of Homer’s epics or Toya of Indian puranas which identifies the birthplace of Zeus or Sage Kashyapa; it was also known to the ancients as the City of Gods.
Nevi’m refers to ‘Nabhi’ means ‘navel’ or ‘nabhisthala’ or the ‘Middle of Earth’ where all world epics happened and where all Buddhas, Sages and Prophets were born. It was also the place where world dynasties appeared and disappeared.
Hebrew Bible which has been divided into three main parts—Torah, Nevi’im (or Prophets), and Ketuvim(or Writings) sees Torah consists of Five Books of Moses i.e. Bereshith, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim which on translation becomes Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy respectively. This translation doesn’t seem to correctly address the meaning of the Five Books of Moses. The five Hebrew names of Torah are identified with five great personalities of ancient times.
The second main division, Nevi’im is sub divided into two sub-groups — Nevi’im Rishonim and Nevi’im Aharonim. Rishonim of the Hebrew Bible represents the Rishis of the Indian puranic tradition, whereas Aharonim represents the Arhat tradition of Buddhists literature.
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