Bibliography as mentioned in Wikipedia on this river counts around sixty eight books. But it has missed some more books in its accounts that starts with Charles Masson’s book of 1842, and ends with the 2016’s publications but has not included Vasant Shinde’s work of that year.
Impact of these books on different fields of research cannot be ascertained by a scholar today when Geneticists have joined the archaeologists to study ancient migration through DNA studies.
The Scythians of the Periplus were no doubt Sakas. But the Eastern Turkestan from where they were driven out by the Yueh-chi did not belong to the Beluchistan as understood by historians. On the first account Sakas were inhabitants of Saka Island, and in this island then stood Mt Imaos, or Mt Sumeru. Turkestan’s ancient name was Tu-hu-lo as noted by Hiouen Tsiang, and it was a place at the foot of Mt Meru, and it was neighbourly to Badrika-ashrama, and Sangala. The latter was the place where Alexander raised his capital. Neighbourly to both Sangala and Tu-hu-lo, and crossing the river was the land of the Baktrians which was called by the name of Baku, the site of the temple of Mokkeswar, or Makkaswara, same as Mecca, or ancient Makka. The whole problem lies with the identification of this land of the Baktrians. Dionysus’ city of Nysa, same as Naimisha-aranya was exactly at this place and at the foot of Mt Meru itself. So when identification of Mt Meru could not be done, geographical situation of the places like Nysa, Baku, Sangala, Badrika-ashrama, and the Sixteen Good-lands of the Avesta shifted to different locations and to different countries. With Mt Meru being considered as an imaginary mountain, was lost many historical accounts of the ancient world. Story of Dionysus connected with House of Cadmus, Thebes, and Wine found a complete different historical explanation for Greek mythology.
The Yueh-chi’s advance to the lower land of the Indus Valley, and to the adjacent coast of India, has been recorded in history. But who were these historical groups of nomadic people who were known to history as the Baktrians?
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