Paolo Daniele Scirpo’s review of Giovanna De Sensi Sestito, Maria Intrieri (ed.) book, On the banks of the Ionian: Western Greece and Greeks of the West. Diabaseis…in BMCR(2018.03.31) reveals certain geographical truth which has been hidden for such a long period on the real situation of the Ionian Sea.
The geographical situation of the Ionian Sea has been misunderstood by classical scholars; if it is seen as the corridor of connection between the West and the East since the Archaic period, or the real border called, ‘horos’ between ‘Syracuse and Athens’, then ‘horos’ defines the land of ‘Hora’ that identifies the land of the Temple of Ra of the Egyptian mythology, and the land of the City of the Sun of the Arabians that directly connect it with Pancahaia. It also identifies Mt Hor. This geographical position of the Ionian island is again affirmed from its opposite coast of Acarnana or Karnan of the Egyptian mythology which identifies Canaan of the Bible.
The second century BC Alexandra , which is attributed to the Lycophron tragedy of Chalcis(Cholas or the Koliyans), and refers to genos, similarly is misunderstood by the scholarly world on its real meaning ; genos is identified with Daughters of Zion or the followers of Zion for which reason they were Dasii, or the women servitors of the Dharma or the religion. They did not belong to the elite group of Argyrippa as believed; those who belonged to this group in the latter time were termed as Missionary Soldiers.
History of Tarantini is a wonderful history of the ancient world that refers to Taranquin or Turintara which is connected with the birth of the Bodhisattva in Thebes same as Sivi country. Please do not bring Mediterranean Sea into this story as name of Mediterranean Sea is nowhere in the narratives of the OT. Beozia is the same as biblical Buz that identifies the Bhojas of the ancient history.
The location of the East at the entrance to Hades is a nice geographical statement that identifies the real seat of ancient Jerusalem; Homeric Hade is as same as the biblical Jerusalem; and Atlas in Phrygia, linking the homeland of Heracles refers to it as a place in the Underworld. Here Phrygia marks the ancient Bagha or Baghia in the plain of the Tigris in the ‘south’. Molossians’ tradition cannot be understood if geographical situation of Phrygia near Troy is missed; “dodoneo bronze” identifies the ancient seat of Troy, and the “ox molosso” similarly locates the land of the ‘Ox’, or the land of the Oxians as its neighbour.
Pirro did not make any campaign to the West, he went there as ancient Rome or the birthplace of Rama, was located there; the war against the Epirota should be regarded as war against Epirus, and Alexandria was its capital; Hannibal were the people of Han dynasty to whom historians see same as ancient Chin people. Geographical situation of Epirus shows its location on the ‘south’ of Rome and it is different from Illyria. Corinth is nowhere in the geographical situation of these two places. It was rather nearer to Phrygia on the bank of the river Scamander.
Mitridates were worshippers of ‘Fire’ and the ‘Sun’ ; they were inhabitants of Urva, same as ancient Ur or Uruvela. Biblical basileus identifies Basileon of the Kgs; its English translation as ‘Kings’ is wrong. It stands for ancient Baisali.
Iranian origin of the Mithradates or Mitridates is connected with sun worship; and Alessandro like the name of Alexander is a combination of two holy places : Alika and Sundara. It is as same as Alsanda of Pali texts. Peloponnese then stood on the Eerythranean Sea region as Pariplus of Indian puranas near Mt Caucasus.
Any map of Greece at the time of the Peloponnesian War should be seen through map of Eratosthenes and with maps of Ptolemy. Both Eratosthenes and Ptolemy were born in the ancient Greece located in the ‘north’ of the ‘inhabited world’.
Inscription of Sybaris refers to inscription of ancient Thebes or Sivi; the treaty of the enotria(Antara, same as An-to-lo) population of the Serdaios pinpoints the region of Sarada same as Sideon(refer Eratosthenes map of Udak-khanda); the two fragments dedicated to the Graie and the Harpies is most historical in nature ; they are identified with the region of the ancient Greece which had two lines of traditions: graii and harpis, means ‘gaii or cow’ and the ‘sarpas or snakes’ both are identified with House of Cadmus.
The Thesprotis di Museo’s Orphic content makes a clear geographical statement of its biblical link with Ophir; Tele-gonia , the events of Odysseus, and the ruling family of the Battiadi or Buto of the Bible, finds Ithaca next to its geographical situation on the bank of the river Styx. Ptolemy’s Maps put the ancient settlements of the Achaeans or the Agni tribe people of the Indian puranas here.
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