Archaeologists found an Iron Age chariot, and human and equine skeletal remains at Pocklington sites in England. This is the same site from where one year before another Iron Age chariot was found buried with two horses. Scientists claim that this burial site represents ancient Arras Culture. This news was flashed in Archaeological News(02.10.2018) which while quoting from The Yorkshire Post did not mention the name of the archaeologists who are responsible for such findings.
Few months before two archaeologists of Archaeological Survey of India also claimed to have unearthed chariots of the Mahabharata times in Uttar Pradesh. But the question is what was the name of that region where anciently people were using chariots Even rich people were using chariots made of gold in ancient Baisali(Basileia of Kgs of the Bible).
Using of chariot driven by horses, and rams are noticed in ancient literature; while sun god’s chariot was driven by seven horses, Trojans were using ram-drawn chariots. Many stories are there on horse driven chariots. So archaeologists’ claim on Iron Age history for England’s past, should come out with more details of their literary heritage on chariot making history.
Arras Culture, and its ancient history, perhaps, is unknown to our scientists who are using this name ‘Arras’. Its root is ‘ras, or ‘Ras’ , the region of the biblical Ophir which marks the boundary between the mortals and the immortals. It pinpoints the site of Catherine monastery, and the ancient Balhika, same as the ancient Babylon itself. Arras Culture identifies the culture of leaving the home for the forest-living with the sole purpose of salvation.
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