Thanks to Alexander Cunningham, the former Director General of Archaeological Survey of India(1871) during the colonial time, whose book Ancient Geography of India misled the academic scholarships all over the world on ancient history of the world for more than one hundred fifty years.
He has written this book in such a manner that its reader would never hesitate to believe that this man walked with the Chinese pilgrim Hiouen Tsiang on the dusty roads of the Mid-India(centre of earth or Madhya-desha)) in 7th c A.D. The book is an eye-account of all the places which the pilgrim visited in ancient India.
River Ganges, according to Hiouen Tsiang was a very small river on the southern seacoast; Ptolemy describes in detail on all the five mouths of this river whose source was in the Manasarovara Lake.
Name of Tribeni is found in all sacred literature of the world; it identifies with it the meeting place of the ‘Three Rivers’; the Ganges, the Jamuna(the Jordan River of the Bible) and the Chandrabhaga(Scamander of Homer’s epics). River Saraswati did not meet with the Ganges at Tribeni; but Chandrabhaga met Saraswati met Chandrabhaga at Panchaia or Panchana(the meeting place of five rivers), and also at Kapil or Kophe.
Tribeni was not famous for it being the sacred bathing ghat where three rivers met, but for the hermitage of Sage Mogha, the Bodhisattva Indra; his hermitage identifies the Ganga-dvar itself. Sage Mogha was father of Sage Kasyap(Zeus of the Classical literature). He is Ahura Mazda of the Avesta. So the place was at the centre of the creation story and holds the key to the science of origin of life on earth; it also identifies the place where astronomical studies began its journey in the ancient world.
Descendants of Sage Mogha were known to history as Meghas or the Magis or the Majjhis. Meghas were an ancient tribe of Kalinga and their history identifies them as a priest class people in history.
Kumbha means an earthen ‘patra’ or a pot which holds the ‘wine’, the somarasa of the puranas. It also identifies Mt Meru, or Sumeru which was the source of this ‘wine’; this destroys the House of Krishna at this place. It was the same place that goes with the history of Parsurma and Renuka and also with the story of Rama of Ajodhya and Pandavas of the epic the Mahabharata. It was the same place where Parbati’s loin fell when Siva danced with her dead body after demolishing the Yajna of Daksha(Danan of Homer’s Iliad at Troy).
It is peoples’ ignorance of the and failure of academic scholarship that finds colonial Tribeni at Allahabad. Political leadership is unwilling to change its mind, and the falsehood continues to rock 130 crore people.
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