Massimo Osanna, director of the Pompeii archaeological park, discovered a residence along with a ‘Lararium’ at Pompeii which he claims was the seat of deities called Lares; according to him the deities protected the ancient Roman homes; according to him, this ‘lararium’ was decorated with an “enchanted garden” complete with snakes, a peacock, golden beasts fighting a black wild boar, birds in the sky, a well, a tub, and a part-man, part-dog figure.
The whole description identifies ‘Lares’ with ‘Lote Trees’ of the Bible same as the Lakuchi Tree of Indian puranas that identifies the ancient settlements of the Romans. Anciently, Caesareans were great worshippers of this ‘Trees’ for which they reason were called the Lichchhavis. Lararium identifies a garden of Lote Trees only.
Arch. News flashed this news on 09.10.2018 quoting from the
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