The trend to study unearthed bones has become an academic passion through which archaeologists now offer opinions that do not tell ancient history but project certain other things. Atholl Anderson of Australian National University and his colleagues’ opinion on settlements of Madagascar comes from the examination of some 3,000 ancient animal bones unearthed in south-western part of this island. They are of the opinion that the migrants arrived in this island between 1,350 and 1,100 years ago. While they were looking for evidence of butchery by humans in the region, they came across V-shaped bones.
Madagascar as the name suggests highlights the name of ancient Madra, same as Medea and Midian, a place that had a ‘shoulder’ of ‘neck’ like position near the seacoast. The V-shaped may have certain geographical indication on migrants’ homes in the ‘first land’.
This news has been published by Arch.News from Cosmos Magazine on 10.10.2018.
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