Herodotus (II,8) refers to the ‘mountain of Arabia, extending from north to south along the Nile, stretching up to the Erythraean Sea, and says that at its greatest width from east to west it is a two-month’s journey ; and that ‘eastward, its confines produce frankincense’.
The Periplus says that it is an indication of the connection of Nubia with the Sakyan stronghold at Sama( later day scholars wrongly called it Somaliland). The Cushite kings were identified as kings of Meroe. The interesting appellation of these kings was that they were called ‘Kings of the four quarters of the world and of the nine distant peoples’.
Historians miserably failed to define the meaning associated with the ‘four quarters of the world’ as a result of which the ancient world history was divided among scholars of different nations like cakes.
According to the Bible, Cush was ruling over kingdoms at Babel, Erech, Calneh, Accad, Cush, and Shinar. It was necessary on the part of academic scholarship to first identify the places connected with these places or some of the places correctly on which much information are preserved with us.
The most corrupt part of world history is related to Egypt Delta where meaning of Delta region is misread in more than one way. This Delta itself refers to the Caspian Sea alone.
Meaning of ‘Wa-wat’ appearing in the inscriptions is very clear; but it divided the scholars who never came face to face to get clarified on its geographical situation. This inscription is found at more than one location. And scholars treat the contents of the inscriptions in a selfish manner as if it is a treasure of their individual nations.
‘Wa-Wat’ was then considered as ‘negroes’. Egyptian ships moved to myrrh-country, and this myrrh itself identifies the land of the Meroe or the Mauryas in the region of the Red Sea or the Erythraean Sea.
Indian puranas cite extensively on Mauryan Kings and their kingdoms in different name-forms. Maurya, father-in-law of Banabhata flourished in the court of the elder Bhoja.
Pandu Sakya , the Sakyan king of Kapilavastu, who ruled after Sudhodana, father of the Buddha, fled to Morapura(or Marapura ; Upham’s Mahavamsa,ch,VIII). He is identified with Mahanaim of the Bible. Marudhanva was another name for the Mauryan settlement, and it is also called Marwar and it lays on the route between Hastinapura and Dwaraka. Murari name of Vishnu identifies Mura as belonging to a king or demon of the Mauryan clan; he was killed by Vishnu. Mauryas are identified with Mayuri or the Peacock. Some historians see this same as Mahi, and this name appears in the Bible as Mahri again same as Mahali.
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