Greece’s Culture Ministry’s announcement that it has discovered a Roman-era plaque engraved with 13 verses of The Odyssey at Olympia, the ancient home of the Olympic games, goes against the geographical explanation of Homer’s epics itself.
Homer’s Troy is Tyre of Alexander’s historians as well as Tyre of Pliny’s NH; it is Todeyya of Pali texts, and Tadwa of Chinese pilgrims; The Quran knows it as Tuwa, and Indian puranas call it as Toya. Modern Greece should not claim an inch of geographical situation of the ancient Greece. Classical and biblical scholars should see the ancient world through Ptolemy’s maps or through maps of the Periplus and Eratosthenes. If Greece’s Ministry of Culture wants to prove that Ithica, the home of Odysseus was in the present Greece, then, Penelope’s suitors’ homes should be searched there correctly and Hellespont where the Achaeans anchored their ships should be found out in the present Greece.
Temple of Hera near Olympia was visited by Alexander; it was very close to the town where his horse Buccaphalus died, and in whose name he established a town there. Holy Quran also mentions about Hera where there were caves at that time. Deity Hera lives in the living tradition of Indian societies even today and she is worshipped in her original seat of worship without any break through time. This can be checked by scholars who works on Greek civilization by coming over to the place named after Ulysses, or Odysseus. Entire path of Ulysses’ journey can be shown without any difficulty; let us accept it as a challenge.
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