Researchers Amaia Arranz-Otaegui claims, according to a report by Reuters, that flatbread baked about 14,500 years ago was found in a stone fire place at a site in northern Jordan. He does not know that the first agricultural activities were undertaken by the ancient Dan people only; present Jordan’s geographical situation cannot be explained through biblical narratives on its past. This is the first requirement which a scholar working in Jordan and on Jordan should know. According to history, Ptolemais was the only place where fresh water was then available for agriculture. What was the name of the river then which helped ancient Jordan to produce crops? Is it Jordan river, or any other name of it was there? Was it a branch river, or a main river?
Jordan’s name is intimately connected to Gaga of the Bible; name of Mediterranean is not there in the OT. How Amaia thinks that present Jordan was there around 14,500 years ago?
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