At the beginning of this epic poem, Ovid writes, ‘Till my long laborious work complete; And add perpetual tenor to my rhimes; Deduced from Nature’s birth, to Caesar’s time..’.
In these few lines, he started telling his story of the creation from the beginning of the Nature’s birth to his time under Caesar’s rule. The story of his creation matches well with creation story of the Indian puranas; no differences are observed at all.
Very astoundingly he again says, ‘The Law of Man was written in his breast…from such rude principles our form began; And earth was metamorphosed into Man’. But biblical scholars do not talk of Ovid’s opinion on the birth of the earth but presents a different story at the centre of which birth of Jesus revolves with respect to the story of the Heaven. The same source generates two different picture of the origin of life on earth.
But Ovid seems to be more clear when he gives a geographical picture of the place involved with creation story in his Metamorphoses. He writes,
‘First Eurus to the rising morn is sent and the Eastern Realm, where early Persians run……..’
This Eurus is the ‘heart’ of the creation story of the ancient texts; and it is exactly the same as Mt Oronous or Aoronous identifying the City of Sun or the Place of the Rising Sun’. The rising morn in Ovid’s epic identifies the Dog Star or the Star Magha along with the Great Bear with it.
In Francesco Ursini’ s review of Niklas Holzberg’s book, Publius Ovidius Nose: Metamorphosen. Lateinisch-deutsch. Sammlung Tusculum…(BMCR, 2018. 03. 25), the reviewer gives a detail account of scholarly works on Ovid’s Metamorphoses, but all such works do not reflect on Ovid’s clear opinion on the origin of the creation’s geographical aspect.
Name of Ovid identifies a beautiful region of the ancient world: Avadana of Pali literature, which is as same as Abdon of the Bible in the mountain of Ephraim to the south-west of Shechem. This is the exact place of Mt Aaron also, where the seat of worship of God of Thunders existed then
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