Panchaia means ‘Five’ , and Panchanada which wrongly historians linked Panjab’s five rivers with it distorted the history of the human civilization. Panchaia is the ancient name for Panchanada and it identifies not only the meeting point of ‘five rivers’ but also it refreshes the memory of the ancient trade centre at Socatra and the Saracen, the two most important names in world history whose bloodline refers to the river Indus.
The island of Pa-anch was in the ancient Egypt, and it tells the wonderful tale of the incense-land which Vergil records in his Georgics(I, 213).
The tale indicates that Socatra was an important trade centre from the time of Abraham. Here peoples from Egypt, Arabia, Greeks, Africa and India, and from the Gulf of Cambay, met for trading purposes.
This Socatra is the other name of ancient Saketa, which identifies biblical Eschate, means the end of the world or the edge of the world which is again as same as the ancient Rome that identifies Saracen with it. The latter again is same as Pompa-sarovara, again the same as Bindu-sarovara that identifies the river Bindu.
Rann of Cutch, the name which misguided historians for identifying the ancient river Indus, gives a distinct geographical situation of Cutch which is lying on the bank of the river Rohini(Eirinon), same as the river Saraswati near Pancahaia. Rivers take the name of the places they pass through. One river is seen to have assumed different names in literary descriptions of ancient places. The Gulf of Baraca which has been taken as Gulf of Cutch is not correct; it cannot be the same as modern Dwaraka. Cutch is near Pancahia and is also situated on the bank of the river Saraswati that flows through the ancient Greek settlements.
Panchaia refers to the village Panchana near the Sun Temple. This place and the story of the Phoenix are linked with the Sun Temple at Konark.
Pliny gives the story(X,2), the Periplus quotes it : ‘The Phoenix, that famous bird in Arabia…….the size of an eagle, and has a brilliant golden plumage around the neck, while rest of the body is of a purple colour; except the tail, which is azure, with long feathers intermingled with roseate hue, the throat is adorned with a crest, and the head with a tuft of feathers…It is sacred to the sun……When old it builds a nest of cinnamon and springs of incense, which it fills with perfumes, and then lays its body upon them to die. From its bones and marrow there springs a small worm, which changes into a little bird; the first thing that it does is to perform the obsequies of its predecessor, and to carry the nest entire to the City of the Sun near Pancahia, and there deposit it upon the altar of that divinity. The revolution of the great year is completed with the life of this bird, and a new cycle comes around again with the same characteristics as the former one, in the seasons and appearance of stars’. Greeks call it phoinix;
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