Lloyd P. Gerson’s review of David D. Butorac, Danielle A. Layne (ed.) book, Proclus and his Legacy…in BMCR(2018.03.32) raises certain questions and it needs to be explained differently.
The basic feature that forms the base of philosophical thoughts and works of Proclus gains ground in Plato’s thought-areas that has been shared by most of the ancient scholars. We have no idea about the geographical origin of most of the ancient philosophers and also about the previous philosophers to whom they were then following in their times.
But who was Plato after all? Where from he began his journey into philosophical world of antiquity? Even name of Plotinus and Ptolemy like Proclus pinpoints certain reserved geographical identity for them; and what s that?
The principal philosophical school of antiquity was the School of Zion where Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates learnt the principles of ‘Trinity’, and other things as Followers of Zion.
Plato’s ‘Parmenides’ refers to ‘parama-ananda’ ‘Highest form of Blessitude’ and this is a part of ‘heneiad’ or ‘Ananda’ or Happiness’. This is Aeneid of Vergil also. A dynasty originated in this name of ‘Paramartha’ at a later time in the same region. Timaeus here refers to a place where Proclus wrote his books.
To find Christianity associated with everything thing is a wrong idea that does not reflect academic quality of a scholarly work. What is pagan Platonism? And why it was waning? What is the meaning of Pagan, then?
Scholars do not know the geographical origin of Christianity, and that is the whole problem with the present academic world today. This wrong attitude relating to ‘Christianity’ and origin of Christianity is at the base of all academic maladies of the scholarly world.
The debate taken up by Islamic, Jewish, and Christian philosophers continues without a proper ‘base’ because as before the eternal status of the ‘Heaven’ on earth is yet to be verified by scholars of all ‘Faiths’ in their naked ‘Eyes’. The debate offers a scope much broader than ever before when the question of whether the cosmos had a temporal beginning or whether it can be verified by using some simple method from human intelligence itself.
Meaning of Šharistānī, has been misunderstood by Chase and other scholars as well; it shows the ‘base’ of the ‘creation itself irrespective of ‘time’; the unique ‘dominance of God’ that is not lost but continues to live to annihilate consciousness of ‘time-sense’ of humans.
Timaeus interpretation refers to divine ‘existence’ of the ‘cosmos’ on a visible geographical frame on earth itself. The role Porphyry played rather reveals the human- path to Šharistānī( or Sri-sthan), the seat of the ‘Heaven’ on earth.
Proclus’s teacher Syrianus, identifies the land of Seir, a divine land next to Sharistani.
Ideas of apokatastasis, epistrophē, monē , and proodos are far away from Christian ideas; they collectively constitute ‘four-ways’ of philosophical ideas of ancient world. It is incorrect to equate them with any individual’s philosophical idea in the 4th c B.C.. The four terms collectively offer one meaning; and they do not ‘show’ any Christian identity with them. It is high time that biblical scholars should come forward to see that ‘Christ’ is a ‘title’ that identifies a group of ‘followers’ of the ancient world in the region of Mt Caucasus from which the name of Kakustha has been originated. It provides a long history of geographical identity that focuses on humans’ origin.
Marinus, who was a Samaritan, but found his native religion too lax for his taste because his place of residence was too neighbourly to the Abode of Heaven on Earth.
Ps.-Dionysius was never a Christian pupil of Proclus. Even Dionysus’s origin does not tell this thing. Alexander visited his birthplace at Charax. Views of most of the Orthodox Church are incorrect. Even whatever has been said on St Paul are mostly incorrect. When what he had said stand test of time, interpretations of his words are mostly incorrect. Aim to Christianize someone refers to bring someone into the fold of thoughts of Zion, and into the classroom of School of Zion. Thus meaning of School of Zion where Plato and Aristotle were students need to be properly studied by scholars. Doctrine of the Trinity in later days created different views among philosophers. But what is this Trinity?
The eternity of the world cannot be understood unless God’s Abode on earth is verified on the basis of biblical narratives.
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