Biblical scholarship has made a blunder in understanding this term ‘Eschaton’ which altered the geographical meaning of the name ‘Rome’ to an imaginary philosophical meaning; the ‘end of the world’ with addition of extra philosophical spices identifies the ‘end of the inhabited world’ and ‘end of the whole life forms’ and beginning of a new world, a prophecy.
Some scholars have questioned why Paul went ‘west’; this shows their ignorance rather than their knowledge on ancient Rome’s geographical situation. ‘West’ identifies ‘Rome’ itself at the end of the world.
We come across ‘Eschatology’ which means ‘Israel’s conviction that it was a people of election, that it had a part to play in the work of judgment and power exercised by God over the universe’ that explains in the term of ‘prophecy’. In Hebr, Eschaton means ‘the last thing’; God’s definitive intervention in history through Jesus Christ, which the NT generally believes as being deployed in two distinct phases delimited by Christ’s first and second coming’. A small error to identify the seat of ancient Rome has been exploited with extracted meaning of the term ‘Eschaton’. And ‘ancient Israel’ is never represented by the present Israel.
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