Seneca( The Younger) was born in about 4 c B.C. in Corduba in Hispania. His name is associated with Roman Emperors like Caligula, Claudius, and Nero; In spite of many wrong doings and pathetic scenes in his life, he remains as an esteemed and popular philosopher of Rome.
His works include : The Trojan Women; Medea, Phaedra, Hercules Furens, Troades, Agamemnon, Oedipus, Apokolokyntosis, Thyestes, and Phoenissae or The Phoenician Women.
Geographical description of all his works has not been academically verified with respect to Pali and other ancient texts. Most of the classical literature refers to a particular landmass; and their narratives, including Homer’s epics, happened within a single closed geographical situation that does not identify the present Europe at all.
Pali literature mentions one Sanaka Thera who was an arahant. He was king Dumasar four kalpas ago. The Nikayas refers to one name called Sanank-kumara, who was a Maha-Brahma. He was an author. This name Sanank-kumar means ‘ever-young’. His hair had five knots.
In the Mahabharata and also in the Chandogya Upanishad, this name also appears identifying a Teacher of highest standard. In most of the Indian puranas, name of Sage Sanaka appears who narrates the story of ancient times before a group of Sages as he heard them from Vyasa.
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